I love a short work week!
I don’t know why since I don’t actually work, but I just do. It means Kyle’s home and we can do whatever we want…no agenda (we never seem to have no agenda, though…)! I’m going to try to catch up with blogging this weekend although per usual, we over-scheduled ourselves just a bit, so we will see if I can sneak in some computer time.
P was still sick on Tuesday so he skipped school and I made pancakes for everyone.
I went to stroller strides and did a mediocre (really, bad) job of pushing myself. My foot keeps acting up. It gets better and then a few days later it’s back to the same pain. I know what you’re thinking. Maybe take some time off? I know. I KNOW. I just really don’t know how I’d cope without any endorphins to start the day…
Best. Salad. Ever.
My weekend prep is basically just ensuring I have all the stuff for this salad – roast squash (check!), candy nuts (check!), make dressing (check!). And keep ripe avo stash plentiful!
The dried cranberries and kale are kitchen staples. I’m kinda over dino kale right now, which is a shame because that’s the only organic kale that TJs carries, so now I have to go to Nugget for produce at least weekly. I used to only have to pop in to Nugget every once in a while to supplement whatever odds and ends were on the grocery list that I couldn’t get from TJs, but two stores every week is annoying. And if you factor in Costco too…oof. C’mon TJs!! Get some more organic greens!
My friend gifted me a bunch of Meyer lemons from her tree so I made a lemon ginger tonic that afternoon.
I grated a big knob of ginger into a cup or so of water and simmered it on the stove until the water was super infused with ginger flavor. Then I stirred in a tbsp or so of maple syrup.
Once it cooled I squeezed in three lemons and added ice to chill it down. Yum! Lemon and ginger are a match made in heaven. I had a cup or two right then and there.
We had leftovers for dinner since sushi has a shelf life. There was only enough for one person though, so I took advantage of a coupon we recently won for a free pizza. Between the two we got everyone fed. 🙂
This girl LOVES her some pizza.
Mr. P was feeling better by the end of the day. All ready for school on Wednesday!
I still take monthly photos of V in the same chair, but only annually for my big boy. This is going to count as his 5 year old pic. <3
Buckwheat cocoa waffles with cashew butter.
I put the last two servings of the batch in the freezer to pull out whenever. And whenever was Wednesday.
Valley’s favorite thing to do for snack is make her own trail mix from our pantry. She likes all nuts, seeds, and dried fruit so it’s really easy. I just let her pick a few and tupperware them up before we leave the house. I still bring apples most of the time, because the kids love them, but she usually wants more food. She seriously eats more than I do!
Salad construction under way…
Oh no! I finished the candied walnuts off! And it’s only Wednesday! How am I going to make it through the rest of the week without my beloved vegan Winter salad?!?!?!?!
Cliff hanger…

I love that you still take pics of V every month! I stopped when G turned 2, but it has only been 1 month…I think I will start up again! Thank you for the inspiration:)
The foot is still bothering you?? Might be time to see a dr about that… i had a friend who runs and he ignored a weird foot pain and kept running so then finally sees a dr and he had a stress fracture! Had to wear a boot and not run for 2-3 months. Not to scare you but do take it seriously.
Looks at the photos of the kids over time must be crazy to see side by side!
And i’m 98% certain that you just stayed up extra late to make more candied walnuts. Is kale easy to grow? Maybe that’s a good one for your garden this year 😉