There are certain morning rituals I have. I set my clothes out the night before – the same way each time. I also pack my lunch box the night before. Every single day I work.
When my alarm goes off, I never hit snooze, I get up and go. Shower. Scrubs. ID badge. Chapstick in my left pant pocket. Pen in my right shirt pocket. Coffee. Breakfast. Pills. Off to the hospital.
I park in the same spot. I wait in the car until the same time. And I sign up for the same break.
Clearly, I’m a creature of habit.
The only part of my morning routine that varies is what I eat (to a certain extent). This is a food blog, so you know my typical AM fare – oatmeal, pancakes, cereal, etc. What’s the common denominator? Almond Breeze’s almond milk. In every single bowl of oats. And in every single cup of coffee. And in every single cup of tea.
This summer I switched over to iced tea, but almond milk is still what makes it creamy and delicious.
And what’s a bowl of oatmeal without the addition of the Breeze? It’s a non-negotiable part of my breakfast. It’s how I start my day. It’s how I get my good going.
I try to keep this ritual because I know it works. I know my patients appreciate me greeting them with a smile and a positive attitude. And I know my AM routine is what allows me to do that.
Many of you may already be fans of Almond Breeze almond milk, but for those of you who haven’t tried it yet, you don’t have to be vegan or lactose intolerant to enjoy it. Kyle prefers it to cow’s milk and my parents now buy it even when I’m not visiting. Almond milk lasts longer than cow’s milk (not that we would know that from personal experience since ours lasts a few days at most). And you can’t argue with the stellar nutritional profile – it’s lactose, soy, gluten and cholesterol free. And the unsweetened ones are sugar free. Plus it has more calcium than cow’s milk.
It’s got a deliciously thick and creamy texture and is available in a variety of flavors including original, vanilla and chocolate (sweetened and unsweetened). And that’s not even mentioning the new coconut & almond milk blends! One of the best things about their products is that they are shelf stable. We go through them so quickly we have to buy both the smaller cartons from Costco as well as the larger half gallon cartons from our local health foods stores. And I swear the two of us go through them faster than any other “family” does. That’s what happens when you get your (good) day started with the stuff day in and day out. Just take a look through my posts…I doubt a day goes by without at least a few servings of it.
It even found it’s way into this kale salad!
Have you heard of Almond Breeze’s “Get Your Good Going” campaign?
It’s all about encouraging people to spread positivity and good – hopefully the infectious nature of these sentiments catches on and continues to grow. It’s as simple as going to and sharing a nice message to a facebook friend. When you do that, you’re entered to win a year’s supply of Almond Breeze and a $1,000 home store gift card to spruce up your kitchen. How awesome is that? Do something nice and get something even nicer in return?!? I love the message and I’m happy to do my part in the campaign.
What’s even better is that I get to give TEN readers free Almond Breeze!
To enter:
- Leave a comment below sharing your favorite Almond Breeze flavor [FYI, mine is the vanilla unsweetened for breakfast and coffee and plain unsweetened for cooking].
- Tweet mentioning @elisehippie and the #AlmondBreeze “get your good going” campaign [then leave an additional comment telling me you did so].
You have until August 13th to enter, then I’ll choose 10 random winners. And don’t forget to head to Facebook to share the love with your friends (and win a year of Almond Breeze and $1,000)!!.
*This post is sponsored by Almond Breeze and the coupons for giveaway are provided by Almond Breeze. The opinions about Almond Breeze’s almond milk are all my own.

I love their new vanilla unsweetened almond/coconut milk!
My favorite Almond Breeze is a tie between the unsweetened vanilla and the unsweetened vanilla/coconut blend! 🙂
my fave flavor is vanilla unsweetened – i use it EVERY single day. i can’t wait to try the coconut blends though, they’re on my shopping list for this week!
oh and i also tweeted!
Vanilla unsweetened is my favorite!
I tweeted!
I love Vanilla Unsweetened!
I love vanilla unsweetened 🙂
I tweeted!
When I broke my leg last fall I had to take pain pills, but being very opiate sensitive, this made me very sick. Vanilla unsweetened almond milk was the only thing that would help me keep them down. As a vegan, I have been using it for years and i love it!
I’m also a creature of habit and have my routine pretty much set in stone during the work week. One of those things is making my overnight oats the night before with Original Almond Breeze. All I do is add the mix-ins in the morning and I have breakfast ready to take with me to work. Bingo bango!
Coconut for me. Almond Breeze is the BEST – I love it! I wish I was a tweeter but I’m not.
My favorite Almond Breeze flavor is Unsweetened Vanilla!
Coconut for me. Almond Breeze is the BEST – I love it! I’m not a tweeter.
Favorite is Vanilla Almond Coconut!
I put in a duplicate comment – sorry
I follow you and tweeted your giveaway link! Thanks so much!
Vanilla unsweetened is my favorite too. I’m jealous that your costco carries it, mine doesn’t.
I haven’t tried their new vanilla unsweetened almond/coconut milk, which I hear is fabulous, but I live off of their vanilla unsweetened almond milk!
I love the vanilla sweetened or unsweetened depending on my mood. The original unsweetened is great for cooking! I have yet to try the blends since I just returned to this country-next grocery trip!
this post was awful. i miss your regular non-advertisement/commercial posts.
I too use it every day! My favorite is the Vanilla Almond Sweetened!
i stick with unsweetened but the coconut/almond flavors are so refreshing!
any of the unsweetened flavors… unsweetened chocolate or vanilla, or the unsweetened vanilla coconut blend!
I love the Original flavor because I can use it in everything! I froth it in the morning to pour into my coffee, use it for cereal, smoothies, oatmeal and soups and sauces!! Always have some in my fridge! ALWAYS!
My favorite flavor is the unsweetened vanilla! I add it to pretty much everything – smoothies especially!
I love their vanilla unsweetened in smoothies!
Unsweetened vanilla is my all time fave… Unsweetened chocolate a close second…
vanilla unsweetened for sure. though theres nothing wrong with adding a lil stevia or honey if i ABSOLUTELY NEED to….
the coconut/almond is amazing! I prefer the unsweetened 🙂
I’m a fan of the unsweetened vanilla!
My favourite flavour is vanilla unsweetened. I go through cartons at an embarrassingly fast rate too – I use almond milk in everything! 🙂
I love sweetened vanilla almond breeze.
My absolutely favorite is the Unsweetened Vanilla almond milk. Like you, we make sure to stock up each time we go to the grocery store because we go through it like crazy!
I tweeted your giveaway 🙂
I’ve only tried the Unsweetened Vanilla flavor and love it!
I love the new coco almond blend…. So creamy
I use unsweetened choc almond milk and stevia over my brown rice crispies!
Like you, I like the unsweetened vanilla for coffee! I also LOVE the new coconut blend for iced teas – it’s a tropical paradise!
I think I may have been the one to twist your arm into trying the unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze when you couldn’t find an unsweetened vanilla milk you were keen on… 🙂
It’s hands down my favorite–use it everyday in my smoothies. I always buys the big box of it! I have yet to try it in tea…
Love your blog by the way, I look forward to all you posts!
Also, not a tweeter… 🙁
My favorite almond breeze flavor has got to be unsweetened vanilla. It pairs perfectly with my morning cereal!
I use the vanilla unsweetened but I am going to try the coconut/vanilla one next time. I drink coconut iced coffee so I bet it would be great.
My favorite flavor is the vanilla unsweetened!
Tweeted 🙂
I love the Sweet Vanilla! It is perfect in coffee, especially iced coffee! You don’t need any extra sugar!
Vanilla unsweetened for my oats. Chocolate unsweetened for smoothies. Yum! 😀
I love the unsweetened vanilla as well… in everything! Coffee, cereal, overnight oats, smoothies, etc etc… YUM!!
Favorite flavor: Unsweetened Vanilla (thanks to your recommendation!).
Definitely the unsweetened vanilla-I love it in my coffee. If I’m staying somewhere, I’ll usually bring some with me!
I stopped drinking cow’s milk a couple years ago. Since then my go to has been unsweetened almond, with the occasional carton of coconut milk mixed in (since it became widely available). Since I discovered the new unsweetened almond coconut blend, I’ve died and gone to heaven. I use it for everything! Smoothies, oatmeal (one of my favorite things), soups, etc.
Unsweetened chocolate in everything!
I love the unsweetend vanilla Almob Breeze, I use it in my daily smoothie.
I am with you–I start every morning with unsweetened vanilla almond milk in my coffee and cereal. Favorite night time treat: cup of hot almond milk sweetened with stevia 🙂
I love the Vanilla Unsweetened, but I’ve been dying to get my hands on the Coconut-Almond flavor.
The unsweetened vanilla flavor is my favorite, but the new coconut flavor is a close second!
I love unsweetened vanilla almond breeze! I have yet to see the coconut one here in Vancouver..
looooove the unsweetened vanilla.
Vanilla AB is a staple in my house. I recently discovered the chocolate flavor and love it in smoothies!
Oh my goodness, I love Almond Breeze! The Unsweetened Vanilla is a staple in my kitchen and my favorite of all the non-dairy nut milks I have tried. YUMMY!
My favorite is unsweetened vanilla (and it looks like that’s most everyone’s favorite!)
I like the almond milk- chocolate flavored for a nice cool way to satisfy my sweet tooth!! Yumm…
I have never tried almond breeze before but I have made my own sweetened vanilla almond milk and I LOVE it! Thanks for the giveaway!
Original Unsweetened 😀
I love the unsweetened vanilla. I can drink a whole box in one sitting! Delicious!!
Just tweeted you my fellow hippie friend!
Unsweetened vanilla for sure! I’m like you, I use it with everything- oatmeal, coffee, cereal… yum!
I love unsweetened vanilla almond breeze! I use it in cereal, coffee, and tea
I haven’t tried it yet, but I bet I would like original unsweetened.
Unsweetened vanilla all the way, but heat up some unsweetened chocolate + a bit of sweetender + 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract in a saucepan and I swear, it’s better than the peppermint hot cocoa from the Bux.
Sweetener* whoops.
I dont tweet-I buy the unsweetened vanilla for coffee
All Ill say is I cant wait to try the pb/banana toast
Unsweetened vanilla almond breeze is the one thing that is always always always in my fridge! I’ve tried other brands, but just don’t like it as much. I use it for coffee, over frozen berries (so good- try it), and just drink it straight sometimes.
what a great giveaway! i love the vanilla unsweetened!
I love the vanilla unsweetened, but I haven’t seen the almond and coconut blends in the store yet, I bet those would be great!
I looooove almond breeze! I use the vanilla unsweetened!
I love almond milk!! Hope I win 😀
My favorite is probably original sweetened! So delicious with cereal, granola, and of course oatmeal! I can’t believe I have yet to try the chocolate though!
I tweeted!
Gotta go with the vanilla unsweetened as my favorite!
I tweeted!
Unsweetened Vanilla!
My favorite is the unsweetened vanilla too!
I’m an almond breezy girl too!
Unsweet Vanilla.
REALLY wanna try the new coconut.
I tweeted!
I love the unsweetened vanilla and my husband loves the dark chocolate. PS I don’t think this post was commercial/advertisement related.
Unsweetened Vanilla, of course! I’d love to try the Almond/Coconut Blend!
Unsweetened Vanilla, but everyone once in a while I like the chocolate in my coffee-tastes like a mocha!!
My favorite flavor is unsweetened vanilla! Yum-o!
I tweeted!
I love vanilla unsweetened Almond Breeze! It’s so good, I drink it with my coffee or tea every morning.
Tweeted about the giveaway.
i love unsweetend almond breeze with my protein powder for protein pancakes! and also banana too!
I tend to buy the unsweetened plain variety of almond breeze most often because it’s extremely versatile. If i need vanilla flavor added to what i’m making, i can scrape part of a vanilla bean into the recipe or use a little vanilla extract. I do this so that i can buy a larger carton instead of 2-3 smaller cartons of the different varieties.
The unsweetened vanilla is my favorite! I love it so much more than regular milk.
Love the Vanilla Unsweetened Almond flavor! Thanks!
Unsweetened vanilla is my staple – A carton usually only lasts two days :/. I love the coconut/almond blend too, but the unsweetened is harder to find!
what a great give away. I LOVE almond milk – the vanilla unsweetened is always my go-to milk!
I LOVE almond breeze, I use it in everything from oats and tea to smoothies. My favorite is the unsweetened vanilla as well!
Coconut/almond blend in smoothies for my very fussy toddler! Add a banana and date, cinnamon and a smile! Healthy and delicious!
I love unsweetened vanilla! I enjoy the taste of almond milk much more than cow’s milk especially in cereal!
Just tweeted!
I definitely am a creature of habit with my routine as well!
I love the unsweetened vanilla almond milk (same as you) in everything from sauces, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes, basically anything!
I love the unsweetened almond\coconut blend!! When it came out, I did a happy dance.
Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk is my daily milk of choice! Love their products! Thank you so much!
oh yea…i love vanilla unsweetened especially in my protein smoothies, so creamy!
I’ve never tried it before but I would love to try the vanilla!
I also tweeted:
i’m not even going to try to compete in this contest.
instead, i would like to point out that your OCD routines make you a better person than me. and probably a better wife.
and, did i see one of those pictures correctly? do you eat big slabs of chocolate for breakfast? maybe you’re not a better person than me…
on another note, i’ve decided that i’m going to have to get my alive and radiant kale chips from because it’s virtually impossible to find them in the city. FML.
I started with the original which I absolutely adored but then I made the switch to unsweetened original. Although it’s a little less creamy than the sweetened version, I still love it just as much! Almond Breeze all the way!
Great giveaway! I love the original flavor the most!
I love the plain unsweetened for cooking and the unsweetened vanilla for everything else! I want to try the new coconut almond one too!
I mainly use almond milk for cereal so I LOVE vanilla unsweetened!
I tweeted:
Oh good–I am not on Facebook (lame! I know) so I miss out on SO many contests. Thank you for doing it on your blog too! AND, of course, I am not on twitter, so hopefully this ONE entry is a lucky one… 😉
Vanilla Unsweetened all the time – including straight swigs from the carton.
I’m all about the UVAB!
Vanilla for sure!!! 🙂
We use their unsweetened vanilla daily in our green smoothies.
i love the unsweetened vanilla! i started adding it to my iced tea this summer too after seeing you do it. now if only we could get almond breeze at starbucks!
I use unsweetened, plain for baking and with cereal!
i tweeted! (@meganandscooby)
Original Unsweetened Almond Milk! Love it in my crock pot oatmeal, my homemade granola cereal, vegan pancakes & waffles, in smoothies, gee – what CAN’T you use it for! Thanks!
I love the Unsweetened Vanilla, such great flavor!
And I tweeted (:
I love the unsweetened vanilla (perfect for iced coffee 🙂
can’t ever go wrong with almond coconut 🙂
I tweeted, but maybe I did it wrong?
Anyways I love unsweetened Almond Breeze milk.
Add it to black beans and rice, very tasty …. Naturally 🙂
my favorite is the unsweetened almond milk. i use it in my coffee every morning
Love the vanilla unsweetened in my coffee and buckwheat bakes!!!
Vanilla Unsweetened all the way for everything, and sometimes chocolate sweetened in my protein shakes! 🙂
Unsweetened coconut-almond. Hands down.
I don’t think I can win this because I am in Australia, but I have to chime in because I am SO excited that Almond Breeze is now available in Australia. I have been waiting for this for years because when I moved here, I hated the fact that I only had 2 choices: soy or rice milk. When they got their own brands of almond milk, they were SUPER sweet. Too sweet for me. Lame. I love the unsweetened almond breeze the most. It’s so versatile, and it is the easiest on my digestion!
I love the plain Almond Breeze for my cereal. I like to use unsweetened vanilla for baking. And when I need a little treat I like the sweetened chocolate :o). What’s not to love?
Love unsweetened chocolate!
I live on the Unsweetened Original. Awesome stuff.
Oh and I don’t tweet, lol!
I looovveee their almond milk! My favorite is the chocolate- i freeze it until slushy and have it for a dessert treat!
Vanilla! (I am not healthy enough to go for the unsweetened, I guess, haha)
I love unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze in my iced coffee. And have you tried Stuft Mama’s low-cal ice cream? So good! I need to find the unsweetened coconut almond milk blend and try it out. Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
I tweeted:
I love unsweetened vanilla, it’s such a versatile flavor!
I absolutely love Almond Breeze’s Vanilla. It goes amazing with my hemp granola in the morning and my daily coffee break with a cinnamon raisin bagel. It’s one of my delights!
Love the sweetened vanilla in my coffee, both hot and iced. It sounded so weird the first time I heard of it, and it still makes me giggle thinking of tiny farmers milking almonds all lined up in a row.
i actually love their unsweetened chocolate as my cereal milk. there is something about chocolate milk that i love and it gives my plain cereal a little kick!!
i tweeted!
I’m SUCH a creature of habit too. I always set my clothes out the night before, never hit snooze, and always have the same before-bed routine (wash face, lotion, brush/braid hair, brush teeth, etc.) I love it though.
And Almond Breeze is ALWAYS a part of my daily routine as well. My favorite flavor is definitely unsweetened vanilla but I like to keep unsweetened original on-hand for cooking. It’s amazing!
I like the unsweetened vanilla too!
I tweeted!
My favorite is vanilla unsweetened
My face is the unsweetened vanilla but I just bought the coconut vanilla unsweetened today. I’m excited to try it out tomorrow in my coffee!
Unsweetened vanilla!! 🙂
My favorite and my staple item is the vanilla unsweetened; I always have a backup half gallon..and some weeks a back up for my back up. It’s love. (:
I also tweeted 🙂
vanilla unsweetened definitely!
vanilla unsweetened!
tweeted! @squigglemefloey
I stumbled on your Blog a few days ago while I was looking for healthy vegetarian recipes. I tried the whole wheat beer pizza and loved it. This is my new favorite place to go online. I am looking forward to trying new foods and recipes. As for the almond milk, I have never tried it, I’ve always reached for the Soy milk (liked the vanilla/never tried the plain). Going with your suggestion and try it. Thanks for your posts 🙂
definitely the vanilla unsweetened
My favorite is the unsweetened vanilla! I’m really looking forward to trying out the coconut blend, though, too.
I love the Vanilla Unsweetened too! So versatile!
Unsweetend Vanilla all the way! They sell that shiz at costco in bulk but it never lasts long!
I’m obsessed with the new Unsweetened Almond Coconut!!
My favorite flavor is the unsweetened regular!
My husband also now prefers almond milk to cow’s milk and he is in no way, shape, or form a vegan or even a vegetarian.
It’s the only kind of milk we buy!
Unsweetened regular for most everything. I’d like to try the almond/ coconut though!
Unsweetened vanilla for the dranks and regular unsweetened for cooking shennanigans. I have yet to try the other flavors, but those two are already so good, so why mess with perfection? 😉
My favorite is the almond and coconut blend! It used to be unsweetended almond until I tried the blend and now I can’t get enough of it.
regular unsweetened is the only flavor i’ve tried. i use it on my cereal in the mornings. i love how creamy it is!
i love the unsweetened vanilla in my oat bran, its soo tasty!
i have never tried it, but i would definitely try the unsweetened vanilla first!
Unsweetened Vanilla
my favorite flavor is vanilla unsweetened for everything!!! I think the vanilla flavor is light enough that it even works in cooking savory dishes.
btw – i’m enjoying a bowl of oatmeal with a glass of blue diamond almond milk right now 🙂
I don’t have any almond breeze favorite flavor because they don’t sell it in France, haha !
(btw I love tour blog !)
Regular unsweetened is my standard drink! Mmm…Almond milk is something I don’t mind at all being lactose intolerant!
I LOVE the vanilla unsweetened. And I do often choose Almond Breeze over cow’s milk if I have the option at breakfast – it’s THAT good 🙂
Yep, I am neither vegan nor lactose intolerant, and I drink Almond Breeze like it’s my job. I go through a gallon per week of the unsweetened original!
Unsweetened vanilla!
I usually go through 3 half gallons a week, unsweetened original.
plain unsweetened!!
I like the vanilla unsweetened !
A year’s supply??!!! I love unsweetened original! My favorite bedtime snack is unsweetened original + kashi golean + blueberries. Yummm 🙂
oh my god i use this stuff every day. i wish i had some unsweetened vanilla with me right now in NJ…
I love the unsweetened plain almond breeze. MY kids like the “Sweet milk” they call it…and they’ll take plain or vanilla, but the regular.
Have you ever made your own almond milk? or brazil nut milk? MMMM SO good, and so easy. Soak nuts, throw in vitamix w/ water, vanilla, sea salt, and dates. Whiz. strain through nut milk bag. instant milkshake like drink…heaven!
I tweeted!
Unsweetened Almond/Coconut is my absolute favorite (for cooking, drinking, adding to coffee!) I love the taste and that that it contains 45% DV of calcium.
Also, this post reminded me how much I love almond milk and how much I DO NOT miss cow’s milk!
I like the vanilla unsweetened
I love plain unsweetened, and I add stevia, cocoa, nutmeg, and other things to it as my mood dictates.
i love their original unsweetened in my morning tea
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
i also tweeted!
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
Pingback: Breeze Winners
I use vanilla unsweetened EVERY DAY and I looove it!
I love the coconut blend flavor 🙂
Unsweetened vanilla is my fav!!
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