Hooray for the end of the week arriving! And, even more for Kyle working a half day and joining me for the afternoon. So, I had a NOT good cup of coffee when I woke up. I really put it off for a while because I wanted to finish my book, and I think that re-heating the left over coffee from yesterday was not the best idea. I didn’t get the ratio of milk to coffee right at all, plus there was a funky Irish-cream-like after taste that I was not into. Enough said. I did not finish the cup. I went to the gym and did the same old on the elliptical, still felt fresh and good after an hour. Then I did abs and stretching. Once I got home it was already 1:30 pm and yet I wasn’t starving, so I took a nice long shower and then made lunch. I had no idea what I wanted, so I went for the economical decision, finishing things already in the fridge. I heated up the Ezekiel bread with a layer of ff Fage and then made the same “chicken” spread with the honey mustard and ff Fage added for more spread-ability. Then I topped it off with fresh organic sprouts. Notice the bite mark – I couldn’t help but sample it before picture time 🙂
Of course, I needed a little something sweet after, so I opted for the latest obsession, yogurt raisins. The picture below is probably only 1/3 of the amount I actually had. They are just too good! No words.
Don’t worry I am continuing my “fluids-or-bust” approach to life, so I am downing Snapple and propel water like its my job. Kyle got home around this time, so we hung out for a bit and then he went to the gym and I went and got a mani/pedi. It was a weird experience, I think I will stick to one at a time from now on. The pedicure is hot pink and I love it. The manicure is the worst piece of crap I have ever seen. In a word – hideous. Then Kyle and I went to walk in the park and pick up some last minute groceries for our bbq.

Pre-bbq marinated eggplant

Bbq-ed chicken

Bbq-ed fish (the last of the striped bass that Kyle caught on his fishing trip)

Ok, I actually got a little hungry again on the late night, so here’s my (healthy) pm snack. It could be worse, right? Yes, as we all know, it could be a jar(s) of peanut butter worse!