Hey! It’s me again! How are we all doing? Staying safe I hope.
We are actually doing really well. Our daily routine is going well! I think the key is not being TOO structured, but having a definite list of things to accomplish over the course of the day (reading, art, work books, crafts, physical activity, board games, and tv time). We are only on week one, so we haven’t done much tv time yet, but give us a minute…I’m sure things will get old and eventually Disney+ will be my best friend.

I did make the brilliant move of going to the library before it closed and grabbed a ton of Spanish books and DVDs so at least some of what they watch will help keep their (his) Spanish up. Duolingo is also helping with that.

So anyway, how about some food.

I fried the sh*t out of this tofu before adding in some veggies from the freezer (desperate times!).

I have a few bags of shredded zucchini in the freezer from last summer’s CSA surplus and it’s perfect when you are making a stir fry and the one bag of frozen broccoli isn’t gonna cut it.
Per usual, I cooked it all in sesame oil and tamari.

Then served it over brown rice with roasted slivered almonds on top.
And while we are on the subject of freezer fare…

Apparently I am an ice cream hoarder! I had no idea that we had such a stash, but I am very grateful because I’ve been happily working my way through these.

I had two of these and they are legitimately THE BEST non dairy ice cream on the freakin planet. I know this sounds like hyperbole, but take my word. Haagen-Dazs chocolate salted fudge truffle is my new #1. Like, even better than Lula’s (!!!). Or chuao firecracker. Or See’s. Ok, so you get it. I love chocolate and am a semi-expert and you should thus take my opinion V. seriously.

The coconut milk vanilla was a little plain on it’s own, but when I added a few scoops of the real phat foods cookie dough into it…it was super yum.
This real phat foods delivery was one of the very few highlights of last week.
I also had some with this cashewmilk snickerdoodle ice cream, which was also high ranking in my book. The nuggets of sugary cookie chunks in the creamy cashew ice cream was not something I thought I’d adore as much as I did (because it’s not chocolate!). But guys. It was goooooood.

What are you making and eating out of your freezer right now??

You are definitely making the best of this situation. It is amazing what we find in our freezer and pantry when we start organizing and preparing for the long haul. I love reading and seeing how people around the country are dealing with the situation placed before us. Your Instagram post are much enjoyed and make me smile. Thanks for always sharing about life and the wonderful meals you cook.
HA! I am so glad you are enjoying them. I feel a bit like a psycho posting so much to my stories, but it’s the only way I have any social interaction these days so I’m just going with it…obnoxious or not. 😛