I made a massive batch of this vegan white bean korma for my sissie and then made another batch right after for us.

The kids loooooved it and it made enough for them to have the leftovers the next day for lunch.

I couldn’t find candied nuts so I made some.

We are RACING through the second loaf of persimmon walnut bread.

Before leaving my home town after the holidays I swung by WF to get a massive tub of my faaaavorite rice and kale salad.

It lasted two and a half glorious meals.

Imperfect produce delivery! The only thing that came in plastic was cauli.

We fight over squash these days. So now I have to roast three just to keep up with all our appetites. First Brussels sprouts, now this! It’s like they want to steal all my favorite foods from me!?!

I was waiting on the produce delivery to decide what to do for dinner, and so I wound up using some of the new goodies from the box. Starting with the greens and squash.

If I have had purple kale before I can’t remember, so let’s call this my first time. I massaged it with olive oil and balsamic and paired it with roasted potatoes, acorn squash and leftover Christmas turkey.

Then I shredded the zucchini into a pot to prep the next days oats.

I added banana for sweetness as well as coconut milk, chia seeds and cinnamon (and steel cut oats).

It lasted two breakfasts and was a HUGE hit. The kids decided to call it “rainbow oatmeal” because it had multiple colors in it (?).

They have since asked me to make it again so that’s a good sign although I find it funny since it’s barely different than the usual oats I make.

I bulked up this lunch with more of that purple kale massaged in balsamic vinaigrette. I bought a new kind of balsamic vinegar on my last trip to the store and it’s super thick and syrupy like it’s been reduced or something, but it’s not! It’s just plain vinegar! And it’s lovely.

I had it with the last bit of WF rice and carrots.

I roasted chickpeas to accompany the kids’ salads. There was also leftover cornbread from Christmas dinner.

Here’s the final thing in all it’s delicious glory, which was literally created on a whim an hour before we sat down. Not to brag but I am kinda proud because I was majorly lacking inspiration and this was so so soooo awesome. Kyle and the kids both agreed. Another grand slam kale salad.

Oh heyyyyy tahini dressing. Now if this isn’t the start of something good, I don’t know what is.

Massaging before (above) and after (below).

For the cauli, I used Gena’s recipe from her lentil and cauli salad. It’s the dish I’ve made the most out of Power Plates.

It’s worth getting the cookbook for this recipe alone (I am 100% sure I’ve said that exact thing before).

Kale and Tahini Super Salad
- 1 bunch of kale, destemmed and shredded into bite size pieces
- 1 head of cauliflower, chopped into small florets
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 lemon
- 2 tsp sumac
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- tahini dressing (see below)
- 2 cups roasted chickpeas
- 1/2 cup roasted and salted sunflower seeds
- [optional] manchego
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F.
For the dressing, mix 1/4 cup warm water with 1/4 cup tahini, 1 tsp garlic infused olive oil, the juice from the lemon, 1 tbsp maple syrup, salt and pepper.
Massage dressing onto prepped kale.
Toss the cauliflower in the olive oil, lemon zest, sumac, cumin, salt and pepper and spread out onto a greased baking sheet. Roast in the oven for ~25 minutes or until it’s cooked to your liking.
If you don’t have roasted chickpeas, you can do those at the same time and the same way (toss them in olive oil, salt and pepper and spread out onto a greased baking sheet and roast ~25 minutes or until they are cooked to your liking).
Once they are done in the oven, assemble the bowls.
Serve massaged kale with cauliflower, seeds, chickpeas (and cheese if using).

I only wish there were leftovers for my lunch the next day. Alas, the sign of a great meal is an empty serving bowl and happy bellies so I will consider it a win.

Hoping to get caught up with posting soon, but as you can imagine, the kids need to start school again before I can get some “me” time to get to the blog.

Not sure if you have tried their chocolate yet (website below), but it’s SO good. The orange one and the almond butter one are amazing! Just discovered these bars last week are a juice place in Cleveland.
I have seen them before but never tried them because they are $$$$…one day…
K i am soooo making that white bean korma! I keep making a few favorite stews and this sounds perfect to get me out of that rut. What was the extra delicious basalmic you bought? I love the basalmic glaze that TJs sells but it’s almost too thick and sweet for salad dressing i think.
Why doesn’t my whole foods have that kale and rice salad??!
It’s the Nugget brand one! I couldn’t get the napa valley organic one that I usually get because they were all out, randomly, so I got the Nugget one and I’m so in love I’ll never get another kinds again. I went through a love affair w TJs balsamic glaze but then I realized it has weird additives like starch in it which is like cheating 🙁