I just found this post in my drafts folder. FROM two years ago! It was so fun to read it because even though so much has changed, at the same time, so little has changed. Here’s a glimpse into March of 2016…
El Nino is something else. We swap extremes in weather with the East Coast seemingly every other week or so now. It was gorgeous sunshine at the outset of March and then we had a two week stretch of gross that kept us indoors (while NY was all hot and bothered), and now it’s beautiful as can be again…and snowing (??) in Philly. So weird. Kyle’s in Philadelphia now dealing with said chill factors, but I can nearly promise this post is far from live when it gets published so who knows what either coast is doing!? At the moment, I’m distracting myself from doing prep work because it’s ALL I’VE BEEN DOING for the past two weeks. To be fair, it’s all because I’ve been out of town for back to back weekends and want to make babysitting the kids as easy and effortless as possible. Oh did I mention we are going to Hawaii in a second as well? In case I never said anything here on HHH (because who knows what I remember to share or not share these days…) my sister is getting MAUI’ed (sorry – had to do it) in early April and hey look, it’s freakin’ April!! Showers, bachelorettes, and all that jazz have been filling my non-mom-ing time, which is why the blog is totally radio silent. I’m getting back on track. Starting with this quick recap of a fun weekend from a decade ago. Back when it was rainy. And I wasn’t out of town.
Not much has changed. Waffle game stronger than ever.
Per usual, I made an extra (for the next day).
This was our last weekend session because we are switching to week days (due to all the Saturdays coming up that we would have to miss). The swim america make-up policy for Pattycakes is pretty much there is no make-up (unlike the baby and toddler classes). Sooooo yeah, now we have another week day activity.
This is a beautiful thing.
This is the Green Valley organic lactose free cream cheese on a toasted Udi’s bagel with smoked salmon.
We went to a science fair at a neighborhood school along with every other family in Davis looking for something to do in the rain with kids.
I made a Moroccan chickpea dish for dinner, which was a nice change up. It had unique flavors and fresh herbs and didn’t take too long to assemble.
I still may prefer this recipe though, to be honest. This one is also on my radar.