First things first, I have a gobble code for you guys if you use gobble. I got an email about $50 off and was so bummed it was for me to share and not use myself, but oh well. Lucky you guys…
If you DON’T use gobble, you can sign up here and get a free dinner kit with my referral code. Pretty sure they deliver all over the country now. If you’ve never tried a meal delivery service, it’s kinda cool. We use it every once in a while…whenever I feel uninspired and need some help. You can do it as often as you want, so it’s pretty easy to just go for it when you see a meal that you like. Gobble’s meals are super fast. They advertise as 10 minutes, but that’s not really possible. It’s more like 20-30 minutes (which is still super fast!).
Ok, here’s the $50 off code.
Enjoy! And now onto my meals. I didn’t do a very good job taking photos over the past few days. No real reason aside from the usual chaos of the morning stealing away my attention.
I definitely ate something for breakfast but who knows what it was. I think it was eaten as I jumped into the car. Probably en route to school drop off…
Or gymnastics – that’s where we spent our super rainy morning. It was pouring out!
For lunch I had my favorite salad.
I ate all the baby carrots while prepping.
Perfect avocados make. my. day.
We had random leftovers planned for dinner on Thursday but then Kyle came home in time and i had nothing planned! Ack! I had already made noodles for the kids so I just gave the extra pasta to Kyle and made a little snack plate for myself – smoked salmon, goat cheese, and this (new!) GF crispbreads from TJs. They are gooooood. I was nervous because they looked similar to the rye crackers they had a while back that my gut did NOT like. These, however, are delightful seedy crackers that can hold a generous amount of toppings plus they are super affordable so that’s a big score.
Don’t be deceived by the GTs bottle – that is MY OWN HOME BREWED KOMBUCHA right there! 😀
I had a few handfuls of chocolate covered nuts (cashews, almonds, and walnuts to be exact) as well. I’m trying to keep my sweet tooth in check but I don’t want to get too restrictive with dessert…and it’s been hard to find that balance. I am such an all or none person, that having a tiny portion is difficult for me to do. And if I’m being perfectly honest, sometimes I find that I crave kombucha more than chocolate on the late night now. But I love chocolate and get sad that I am not enjoying it! You see the dilemma? So weird.
New dose alert! This time in the form of a pouch! An organic whole milk yogurt pouch to be exact, from the lovely people at Stonyfield. This flavor was the pear spinach mango with 5 grams of protein (he needs to have more than 4 g per dose) and 9 g sugar, making it a bit of a treat but making him really happy.
I saw it at the store last time I was getting Greek yogurt for his doses and thought it would be a great thing to give while traveling. And since we had an appointment in Fremont on Friday morning I bought it with that purpose in mind. Only once Friday morning arrived I realized we didn’t have to dose on the road because we had plenty of time. Oh well. He enjoyed it nonetheless.
I did eat on the road though. It’s hard to find this flavor, but it’s a good one. I think the dried pineapple is what makes it different than all the rest of the Larabar flavors.
We made insanely good time and arrived super early for his 1 month follow up appointment. It’s been a full month since he’s been in maintenance! And now we get to do some experimenting! If I can work up the nerve, that is… 😉
This was Miss V’s first time at the Fremont office and she was SO INTRIGUED. I mean, it makes sense since she’s been hearing about OIT for a year straight without ever laying eyes on it…
I think he was actually pretty excited to return. And it was so good to see all the amazing staff again. I know they really miss him! I miss them! We’ve been going through some stuff this past month which I’ve loosely alluded to on the blog, but I think the loss of our special Friday time plays a big part in it. So it was fun to return, even if it was a threesome this time instead.
Afterwards we went to WF for lunch 🙂
These kids LOVE them some salad bar action. Makes this hippie proud!
I went with a very surprising pick – two salads from the end of the salad bar. As in the pre-made ones. Usually I think those salads look meh compared to the ones I make (because I consider myself an expert salad maker, haha), but these just called to me and I decided to (SHOCKER) listen to myself. That whole intuitive eating thing?!? I’m not the best at it when I have all of WF at my disposal, but this time I went for it and guess what? The salads were both super good. The left is a simple spinach salad with a delicious vinaigrette and spiced candied nuts (it also had bleu cheese which I attempted to pick out). The salad on the right was a suuuper good lemon-y kale and farro salad with feta. For the sake of fodmaps, I usually avoid eating wheat and dairy together, but the heart wants what the heart wants. And by heart I mean stomach, which as we all know, is 100% my guiding light.
Long drive home.
Luckily we didn’t hit much traffic (I was nervous because the weather finally got cold and rainy so I’m sure Tahoe has a bunch of new snow now).
I kept things way easy for dinner and made a slaw, which I served with nuggets on the side.
So fancy!
This was Valley’s first time eating chicken nuggets. She was a big fan, obviously.
I had kombucha later while Kyle and I watched a movie (!!!). We watched Lady Bird to show our love for our home town (poor Davis takes a hit). I heard Sac is doing tours of the sights from the movie. Ha! I loved the movie – cried at a few places because mother/child relationships are so tricky – and really enjoyed the references to all these places near us that I know so well. <3
And now it’s the weekend! Hooray!

Hi! Can yowling to your referral code for a free meal kit again? There is not link there (or if there is, it’s not working for me). Thank you!! Love reading your posts.
oh no! I’ll see if I can fix the link but in the meantime, here’s the link for a free meal kit:
And here’s the one for $50 off:
Thank you so much! Also I don’t know what happened with my autocorrect… “yowling” should have been “you link” haha.
Ha, I figured out what you meant 😉
Very exciting first bottle of kombucha! Hope it was tasty! Bi’ve been experimenting with adding a tiny bit of caynne when i bottle and it totally helps with the carbonation! I also need to be more precise since two bottles so far have been crazy spicy…haha.
I never see carrot cake larabars- actually wasnt sure they still make them, definitely one of the best flavors. Those fremont trips make for a looong day i’m sure but whole foods salad bar lunch is totally worth it 🙂
Thanks for the gobble code! I’m going to pass it along
I’m so happy for you and your little one who now can drink a whole yogurt pouch! What an accomplishment 🙂
Does the gobble link still work?
So weird! The link doesn’t work for me :/
Hmmm…lemme work on it tomorrow. I’m so sorry!!
Ok, if that didn’t work try using this code: 50DPARTNER
Ok, apparently people have been having issues with the link so here’s a code for you: 50DPARTNER