FYI, in case you were considering it, I am thrilled by Farm Fresh to You.
They delivered these three boxes (two of produce + one of meat/grains/dairy) while I was on my run! At 7 am!!!

It is a VERY good feeling to start the day with a fridge and counter full of fresh produce.

I spent the morning cleaning and chopping and prepping and getting everything organized.
And unlike imperfect foods (which I am still doing as well), I got every. single. thing. I ordered!

This was the thing I was most worried about because they were marked as sold out by the end of the “customize” window. Luckily I had signed on early and put them in my basket right away, so I’m glad to know they keep the website’s precise stock updated. With imperfect foods, I think they let more people add things to their carts than they have supply because it seems like I get an email after every order that tells me 1-4 things I ordered won’t be coming. It’s usually not a big deal (in normal times), but nowadays when I can’t just pop into the store to pick up whatever items weren’t available so it’s kind of a pain to have your meal plan blow up on you without any recourse.

The delivery re-upped my kale supply, as well as dairy for P (phew!) and meat and a bunch of other awesome things. And now I can have grain bowls all day every day.
If you want to try it out, you get $15 off when you enter ELIS5262 at checkout.

Right away I decided to use the stew meat for a warm comforting dinner with onion, potatoes, and celery from the box (and herbs from our garden).
I sautéed the onion with olive oil and the herbs (rosemary and thyme) and then deglazed the pan with some leftover rosé that I have in a jar. Next I added the beef to sear a bit. Then I added dried mushrooms, veggies, and beef stock and set it to pressure cook.

YUM yum yum YUM.
This was a knock out.

Yay! Nothing like a big food delivery going into a Holiday weekend! Hopefully you got some ham or pork for Easter Sunday!
How are things going in California? I have started shutting off the news because it is so disheartening to hear the never ending updates on the spread. Fortunately here in MN the number of cases aren’t that high and I am hopeful that come early May things will begin to reopen and in the meantime no news for me. I have also found that my saving grace has been going to the grocery store, drive-thru coffee shops, and the local chocolate shop!
I also have to ask … Is Kyle’s work considered a critical and still requires him to go into the office everyday? I know most people have someone they know with a critical sector job but I am currently WFH and very ready for life to return to normal again in that aspect too!
Hey! The news in CA is up and down, but the trends are actually all looking very promising. Gavin Newsom did us a HUGE service by leading the way in shutting things down in the very beginning and putting shelter in place orders long before anyone else. Now CA is able to keep the hospitals in decent shape and we are actually sending a ton of vents to NYC. I try to avoid the news, but w social media it is hard to not be inundated with the good, the bad, and everything in between…but I am so busy w the kids anyway, I legit just dont have time to see too much.
Kyle is in farming and that’s considered essential, so he is still going to work every day. Now, more than ever, we have to keep those robots picking strawberries going!