Elise Lately [IV]

Some people may get sick of leftovers, but I am quite content eating the same thing over and over and over again.


Leftovers x a million.

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Field Roast wild mushroom quarter loaf.  Roasted veggies.  Quinoa.  Like a never ending Thanksgiving…


Blackberries are NOT good in smoothies. 


The seeds.  They’re annoying.  But I still have half a bag of frozen berries in the freezer, so…yeah.  It was a “mixed berries” bag, but I picked out all the strawberries, so it’s just blackberries left.  Gotta do something with that.

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Kyle was in Arizona last weekend for work and called me asking what he should get for dinner at the grocery store.  I told him hummus, carrots, and a fresh baguette.  And thanks to a google hangout I got to watch him spill Sabra on himself.

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Since my exercise has been minimal non existent lately due to spurts of cramping (don’t worry my MD knows about it), I’ve been playing wii sports in my down time.  And dancing.  Or “dancing”.  It’s really just waving the hand that has the controller in the right way.  And yet I still haven’t mastered it in the least.  Kyle couldn’t contain his laughter while watching me the other day and then recorded a video while I was busting a move (how rude!!).  Good thing he doesn’t have a blog. 

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Without going into too much detail about the aforementioned cramping, no need to worry.  Things are fine.  I went into the hospital to monitor the baby and see if I was having contractions and everything looked normal, so I have nada to report.  It’s good to know that we’re both a-okay, but I still wish someone knew what was causing my pain (which, of course, didn’t happen when I was at the hospital). 

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That’s my “not impressed” face.  I’m supposed to “take it easy” for the next few days, which to me, means punishment by complete boredom.  Accordingly, I’ve made a master to-do list full of all things sedentary.  It’s my OCD way of approaching this temporary time off from work.  I’m almost done with our Christmas shopping! 

Know what?  I miss exercise.  Real exercise.  Sweating from crazy amounts of exertion and effort.  I had a dream where I met Jillian Michaels the other night and I was so excited, but also semi-ashamed about my lack of activity.  I know this is a temporary thing, but man, I can’t WAIT to get back into it.  I feel stir crazy.


Among other things I’ve been reading quite a bit lately.  This book is crazy.  And while I was just searching for that image to post I discovered it’s going to be made into a movie.  Hmmm…


Last but not least, I like cookies.  Duh.

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Comments (31)

  1. Beth

    I need to make these cookies….like, stat. They look so delicious, and so unique w/the sugary ginger pieces strewn throughout. I’ve been using coconut palm sugar in place of regular sugar in my recipes lately as you mentioned you did, in a post a while back, and I’m surprised at how great it serves as a substitute. I made cinnamon rolls (using your flour recipe + a filling recipe from another blog) and they turned out soooooooooooo amazingly good. Just another reason why I love your blog.

  2. Katie @ Peace Love & Oats

    Gone Girl is super crazy, it just keeps getting crazier! Haha, I loved another one of her books though, Dark Places. Half because it was based in Kansas City, where I’m from.

  3. Abby

    I keep hearing about Gone Girl but haven’t picked it up yet. Maybe if I see it in the used section on discount I’ll splurge, as I’m always hinky of so much hype.

    Anyway, my situation is NOTHING LIKE YOURS at all (let’s make that clear) but I’ve had a foot injury and haven’t been able to exercise like I want for a month. No bouncing around, no Jillian DVDs, etc. I am craving it like crazy, but I still have to take it easy. My ramble is I can relate to that part–not the whole “bringing another life into the world” thing.

    Enjoy your down time a bit while you have it!

  4. Courtney

    I am with you–leftovers are wonderful and I love them! Yours look particularly fantastic. Yum.

    I am sorry about the cramping, but I am glad you are both okay!


  5. Nikki

    I just finished reading _Dark Places_ and loved it too!

  6. Amanda

    Leftovers are my favorite! Big batch of pasta, some cooked veggies, and rice or quinoa… I’m set for the week!

    Also, I love your blog. Glad you and your little one are okay! Can’t wait to continue reading 🙂

  7. Becky (have turtle will travel)

    I have really, really been enjoying your blog. But the fact that you don’t like blackberries in smoothies makes me doubt your judgement just a little 😉 I love the seeds. It’s funny how food texture is so individual like that. Blackberries are my absolute favorite for smoothies and for about anything else berry-related for that matter.

  8. Elise (Post author)

    haha. i guess its kinda weird that i like chia and flax seeds in smoothies but not berries seeds. ah well. forgive me just this once?

  9. Christine (The Raw Project)

    Agreed on leftovers, easy and fast meals make me happy during busy weeks. Hang in there, I know how frustrating taking it easy can be!

  10. Kristyn

    Totally unsolicited advice – read with a grain of salt! I was on bed rest for 2 months with my twins. I’m a dancer and massage therapist so movement is very literally my life. I thought I was going to go out of my mind initially. Thankfully it sounds like you have a much much lighter sentence than I had, but I found it easier to take when I treated that enforced downtime as Me time and bonding with babies time. Super gentle stretches so I could at least feel like I was still moving. I tried meditation (which I’m terrible at) and found that while I didn’t meditate, I did get to spend some time just looking inward and kind of conversing with the little ones. It helped me remember why I was being still, which was hugely helpful with enduring the stillness. I also spent a fair amount of time imagining movement since they say that keeps your muscle memory firing and makes the return to activity easier. Oooh and I indulged in a ridiculous number of movies and books that I’d normally never make time for.

    I don’t know if anything in that is helpful at all, but I figure the one bonus to all of that bedrest is being able to offer suggestions to other people dealing with something similar! Here’s hoping your reduced activity sentence is lifted soon so you can get back to being active. Thank you for keeping up with your blog through everything. I love it! So inspiring!

  11. Lauren L. @ Newest Obsession

    I have been sucked into that book recently too!! I am about half way through and I can’t wait to finish it.

  12. Elise (Post author)

    hi kristyn,
    thank you for such a thoughtful comment. its definitely good to get perspective. im so happy that everything is okay – but since nothing is really wrong, i think ive dismissed the reason im in this situation! i think i could use a little meditation in my life (although im not sure ill be good at it either!).
    ive been a reading fiend, so thats been good.
    but youre so right. i should juse appreciate this time for what it is and bond with my little dude and relax. now, while i still can 🙂

  13. Elise (Post author)

    once i hit 50% it was game on. i just wanted to do nothing but read until i found out what was going to happen. i cant wait to read her other books since everyone seems to give them a good rec too.

  14. Elise (Post author)

    i was the same way. im always skeptical of those huge hits that stay on the best seller list forever (mostly because there are too many twilight people with crappy taste – sorry if you’re one of those, i just cant). gone girl sucked me in from the beginning. i recommend for sure.
    ps i dont care what it is that sidelines you from exercise, being pent up SUCKS no matter what.

  15. Elise (Post author)

    is it at all like gone girl, or is the genre totally different?

  16. Elise (Post author)

    thats so awesome! i love getting feedback like this – thanks beth 🙂

  17. Janie

    I can tell you’ve been asked to rest and take it easy because of your amount of posts lately- no complaints here, keep them coming!!! haha
    Feel better

  18. Nikki

    I only read a few pages of _Gone Girl_, but they were both really dark and dramatic, and–I think–set in the Midwest.

  19. Lani

    Im glad its nothing serious. But sorry to hear about the enforced rest time. Sounds like you are making the most of it, though! The book looks so compelling! I heard her read on NPR earlier this year and promptly forgot about it. I’m excited about those cookies, too.

  20. Abby

    I am WAY not one of those, so we can start an anti-Twilight support group.

  21. Jessica

    Glad you’re okay miss!

    I also just started Gone Girl (finally!) and loooove it. I’m only a few chapters in but I’m already super intrigued.

  22. katie

    LOVE that book! I think it’s the best thing I’ve read all year, and my copy has already been passed around to everyone in my family! I’ve read her other books, too- Sharp Objects is also sick and twisted, and excellent. Dark Places is good, but more conventional.

    Glad you and Baby Hippie are okay, but I hope they figure out what’s causing your pain soon!

  23. K

    Hiiii I am a long time reader and I just wanted to send you my best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy…and beyond! Hope the cramping stops, you don’t deserve that 🙁 my granpda actually spends a good amount of time at the hospital on Arizona and 15th so every time I’m there I kinda do a scan to see if you’re there. ha.

  24. Elise (Post author)

    thanks k! thats right in my hood so its definitely a prime elise sighting spot 🙂

  25. Elise (Post author)

    your goodreads account is one of my go-to places since we have similar tastes 🙂

  26. Elise (Post author)

    i know right? two a days = elise is stuck at home

  27. Lou

    Sorry to hear about the cramps – that sucks 🙁 Check out yogadownload.com – they have some really nice prenatal classes that involve a little meditation, and lots of nice stretches – really good 🙂 Might make you feel a little better RE lack of movement.

  28. Elizabeth

    I’ve recently had a knee issue, so I completely understand the frustration–so glad that baby hippie is well!

    One of the upsides is that I’ve had more time to read. I finished gone girl in a day–as in, walked around with it, made dinner reading it, etc. It was disturbing but awesome. I didn’t know they were making a movie–and I don’t know how I feel about that.

    other recent reads that I’d wholeheartedly recommend–11.22.63, by Stephen king (about the Kennedy assassination), wolf hall by Hillary mandel.

  29. Elise (Post author)

    yogadownload is such a good idea. thanks lou 🙂

  30. Elise (Post author)

    so sorry about your knee elizabeth 🙁

    ive loved reading more lately too. gone girl was so good! im afriad the movie will end up like a cheesy lifetime movie rather than the twisted plot it was to read. no clue how they’ll do the diary entries…flashbacks? hmmm….

    anyway, thanks for the other recs! if youre on goodreads you should find me – i love getting book ideas from others 🙂

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