Saturday was my grandma’s 85th birthday.
Well, technically it’s not until later this week, but it was her birthday PARTY at least. I hope I’m blessed with her genes because she doesn’t look 85 at all! Am I right or am I right?
To celebrate, my Aunt and Uncle hosted a party at their house in Laguna Beach. Naturally, our family gatherings include lots of fun and good food, so I’ll share some of the highlights.
G-ma, Auntie Wendy, me, Mom
From left to right: vegetarian lasagna, warm ciabatta bread, turkey lasagna, salad, and vegan pasta
Yes, you read that correctly, my Aunt made a vegan dish
She used my vegan lasagna recipe, subbing whole wheat shells for lasagna noodles. And it was fan-damn-tastic.
I love warm bread. I love when the crust is crunchy and the inside is doughy. Yum yum yum.
Finn feels the same.
It’s important to pass on key life lessons to our youth…and it’s never too early to learn about carb lovin’ right? Right. 🙂
I got a bit of errrthang on my first plate, and went back for seconds of the vegan pasta because it was cheesy bliss.
Two desserts, many candles, one song. Happy birthday G-ma!!
Choose wisely Finn…
While most of the fam was oohing and aahing over the chocolate bundt cake with flan on top, I was having my own dessert ‘gasm.
This, my friends, is proof that my family is too good to me. Also known as vegan peanut butter fudge from Whole Foods. Holy no words (as in speechlessly good). It tasted like a dense version of the inside of a Reese’s peanut butter cup. It was buttery and flaky and just about the best thing I’ve had in a while (and vegan no less!). It was also so rich I had to stop half way to not wind up in a sugar coma (and that’s saying a LOT since we all know I have zero self control). I did take the rest home (and as suspected, it lasted less than a day in the apartment).
The next morning my parents met us for brunch at Huckleberry.
You’d think I have stock in the company I go so frequently! I’ve taken each and every family member who has visited me 🙂
The proximity to my apartment is hard to beat, and anyways, who doesn’t love fresh baked goods?
Brunch definitely deserves it’s own post, so stay tuned…

I’m pretty sure your WF > than my WF because mine doesn’t have half of the delicious stuff I see on your blog.
Happy 85th to your grandma! That’s awesome!
Vegan fudge from WF?! I need to shop the WF near me wayyy more closely now.
Between cake and death, I’ll take cake every time! Chocolate or red velvet, for sure;)
Awww…happy birthday to your grandma!
And, by the way, I have to say…I really do love your haircut! I have wanted to comment on that every time you post a photo of yourself since the cut. I know you don’t love it, but it looks great 🙂
omg i want that fudge, i didnt even know it existed!!!!!
“dense version of the inside of a Reese’s peanut butter cup. “–that sounds like heaven on a stick. or in a slab 🙂
I miss my grandma’s so much. Ok I remember both of their 85th bdays, and 90. But they have passed and I miss them. So happy you still have your grammie!
Your grandmother truly is beautiful and does not even remotely look her age! You’ve got some GREAT genes!
Oh, and I have an Auntie Wendy, too 🙂
What an amazing spread! Happy birthday to your grandma!
The sign for whole wheat shortbread in your last pic has me scheming…
Your grandmother is looking good – it’s awesome that your family all comes together to celebrate her!
you make vegan look GOOD girl!!! happy birthday to your gma!!! I am still in love with yo hair
You have such a happy family. I love how close you guys are! Massive craving for peanut butter just set in during this post, i am not even mad, although slightly upset that there is absolutely no possible way on this earth that i will ever try one of the vegan fudge squares or anything comparable to it until i move… Yet another reason i need to save my $$… It will be dangerous having 6 TJs and WFs within a 15 mile radius of my apartment. You will have to fill me in on how you go about not spending your life’s savings…
Hi there.
What fun! Your Grandma told me about your blog. I’m a reporter with Hutchings, and she edits ALL my work. She is amazing for 85 years old!
What a great family you have! I hear about you all all the time! Jan is an amazing woman, and I am blessed that she wants to do my work!
This is a fun blog. I think I’ll be back again. I’m far from vegan, but I do like to eat healthily, so I hope to pick up some tips from you.
Again, thanks for sharing pictures from a very important event! Happy Birthday, Jan!!
Ahahaha! LOVE the cake or death bib! Were did they get that?! Reminds me of Eddie Izzard’s stand-up routine – have y’all seen it or is it just coincidence that your nephew has a bib with one of the most famous lines from that sketch?
I was down in the OC area this weekend too. I ate at the Native Foods in Aliso Viejo. When I was at UCLA I wasn’t so into the veg and never ate at the one in Westwood. I would assume you have but I didn’t see it in your “Hot Spots,”which I love by the way! My dad refers to Diners, Drive-ins and Dives from the Food Network whenever driving about the state for weekend trips – I refer to your Hot Spots! 🙂
Haha…I’ve been there but only once and it was before I was blogging…I definitely am overdue for a trip back! Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Happy birthday to your grandma!
Confession: I’ve never been to WF. They closest one is almost 2 hours away and it’s not near anything I visit on a regular basis. I really want to go to one soon, but I’ve been saying that for at least 2 years.
Pingback: Cake from August « hungry hungry hippie
OH MY $%&# I wat to kidnap you and take you right now! It’ll blow your mind whenever you do make it there…
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