Eggless is Best

Sorry Chicken Little, I’m sure you have a fine product, but I have a egg salad alternative that will make even non-vegans dig in. 

Talk about a timely post.  With the recall fresh on people’s minds, I’m fairly certain eggs aren’t flying off the grocery shelves quite like they used to…


This recipe was the result of half a box of unclaimed silken tofu.  Unclaimed?  As if Kyle would be fighting me for tofu!?!?  Ha!  Ok, so I had leftovers from an undocumented carob tofu pudding dessert (when late night munchies strike all bets are off in capturing it on camera).


Silken ‘fu + raw veg (I didn’t actually use the entire amount in that bowl)


Add the following into a food processor (unless you haven’t done your arm workout for the day, in which case, suck it up and get those biceps working, ya pansy!):

  • 3 broccoli florets
  • 3 cauliflower florets
  • 5 baby carrots
  • 1/2 box of silken tofu
  • 1 tbsp BBQ sauce (I prefer Annie’s)
  • 1/2 tbsp spicy dijon mustard
  • 1/2 can chickpeas (if you’re lazy or don’t have canned chickpeas on hand [the tragedy!] you can use 1/4 cup hummus)


Pulse briefly so it’s still moderately lumpy, then spread onto the fluffiest bread you can find. 


I prefer it un-toasted because I love the way the bread sticks to the roof of my mouth.  It’s just how I remember the egg salad sammies of my childhood.

*Side note: I didn’t had no idea what egg salad was until I was almost a teenager.  I was at a friend’s house and her mom made us egg salad sandwiches, and – I kid you not – I felt like Columbus discovering America.  I was in shock that I was so oblivious to the existence of such a dish!?  Upon getting home, I immediately told my mom about this wondrous “egg salad” thing.  It soon became a staple in my lunch rotation…until I entered high school and decided that egg salad was too stinky I was too cool. 

But back to my egg-less salad.


The chickpeas added such a delicious (almost creamy!) texture with the silky tofu and crunchy raw veggies.  Plus, the zing of the BBQ sauce and mustard wasn’t strong enough to overpower the salad, but still offered a nice bite. 



What was your favorite lunch sandwich as a kiddo?  Did your friends get things that your mom/dad didn’t give you?  I was fortunate enough to have a (mostly) vegetarian mom who packed my lunches every day.  Wholesome, home-made eats that differed every day and covered every food group…and I enjoyed it all without any clue that cow/pig products were MIA from my diet.  What my friends got that I didn’t get was packaged snacks, chips, cookies, etc.  I feigned jealousy at the time (it was the popular thing to have Doritos and Oreos), but really had no interest in such crap.  My favorite was PB&J.  But I bet if I had known what hummus was…whole different story.

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Comments (21)

  1. Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen

    That looks INCREDIBLE! I might have to incorporate that into my lunchbox next week. 🙂

    My favorite sandwich as a child was probably PB & whatever (fluff, honey, jelly, bananas!) although I think I might just confuse with what I like NOW. Luckily for me, I am a teacher and get to pack a lunch every day, so I get to try new things and revisit old favorites. [I don’t think I’ll ever go back to bologna. I’m pretty sure I loved that too.]

    My favorite “simple” sandwich of all time is probably pimiento cheese with sliced granny smith apples. If we want to get fancy…well, all bets are off on what could make it between the bread.

  2. tweal

    You know, I never ever liked egg salad sammies, but I do enjoy a good faux-egg tofu one every now and then. It’s been years since I’ve had one, but you may have just influenced me to go and buy some tofu now…

  3. rebecca lustig

    oh wow, that looks so good!

    i love finding new and exciting things to do with tofu

  4. blissfulbellas

    yayyy thanks for the eggless salad recipe that doesnt call for veganaise! im excited to try this when i get back to school since the food processor is there! ive already bookmarked it and am looking forward to it!! ive been craving egg sandwiches lately (my first time craving something nonvegan woah) and was looking at tofu scramble w/cheese recipes the other day lol so this came in perfect timing!


  5. Sarah @Gluten-free tries Vegan

    This post is perfect timing as I’ve been craving eggs and eggs in sandwiches big time recently! I’ve almost given in but this may actually save the day, thanks 🙂 xxx

  6. Sarah @Gluten-free tries Vegan

    PS fave sandwich used to be cheese and jam, cheese and peanut butter, or ham and cheese.

  7. Susan

    Egg salad is my favourite sandwich filler EVER! Your tofu version looks almost as good as the real thing. I actually love tofu sandwiches too 🙂

    My dad made me a peanut butter and honey sandwich every. single. day. My friends all had cool things like lunchables or lunch money. At the time I thought it was awful, but looking back I can’t than my parents enough 🙂

  8. julie

    hahahaha i’d totally take the pansy route with the food processor.

    my fav sammie as a kid was i kid you not bologna or even liverwurst. oh god i said it “liverwurst” GROSS now i would die.

    besides that i was ALL about cream cheese and jelly sammies!

  9. Angharad

    I definitely did not get any processed foods. I was a super picky eater when I was really young so I’m pretty sure I subsisted on cheese and crackers for a long while. My poor mother must have felt so bad!

  10. Katie

    What a good idea! I don’t think I had egg salad growing up either…I can’t remember it at all. I’ve never really liked sandwiches, but I’m sure PB&J was my favorite. I would love to eat your egg-less salad with crackers as a vehicle. Scooped straight into my mouth.

    I never got the packaged food’s either (hello lunchables) and I was always jealous of my friends. But now I’m glad I had a good mama who took time to pack me nutritious lunches as a kiddo.

  11. cmb0096

    I always got healthy organic “weird” stuff that my friends made fun of. Oh how I longed for gushers and fruit by the foot and capri suns! I would beg and plead in the grocery store, but my mom refused, and I would resort to trying to sneak things into the cart (She always found them before we checked out, though…I must have been a huge pain in the butt to take to the store, lol). I used to try and trade with friends for some of their yummy stuff (read: processed packaged crap), but no one would trade with me. It wasn’t til I was older–like high school–that I appreciated my mom’s healthy influence and food. It sounds like you were MUCH smarter and wiser than me in elementary school, lol!


  12. janetha g.

    that really looks awesome! i will have to give it a shot, especially because marshall is requesting more meatless meals. when i was a kid, i was all about PB & honey. i remember my friend always had tuna with miracle whip and i thought it was so good.. now i hate miracle whip!

  13. annie

    Ok you’re going to think this is absolutely disgusting buuuuuuut……………. many Aussie kids (such as myself) grow up on Vegemite and cheese sandwiches 🙂 🙂

    If you don’t know vegemite…it’s yeast extract (like Marmite in the UK?) I’m assuming even if you had the balls to try it I doubt your IBS would be happy with you heheh

  14. BroccoliHut

    I’m a huge fan of tofu salads as a replacement for egg salads. I highly recommend using mashed avocado for your next rendition!

  15. Sarah

    My favorite sandwich was peanut butter and…peanut butter. Yep. On both slices of bread. For some reason I never liked jelly back then. My mom was all about convenience in the mornings so my lunch always included some form of processed snack. (This thought makes me cringe now!) And an apple for good measure.

  16. lady bug beauty

    That looks amazing! I may just have to try it next time I have some tofu in.

    At school I was an anti sandwhich girl after years of sammies everyday at primary school… primary school, I’d have to say vegemite/marmite and butter.

  17. Pingback: Wife Fail « hungry hungry hippie

  18. Larry Bacon

    Wow I have to say… this looks great. Going to make some soon. Peace

  19. Pingback: Readers request: tofu

  20. Li

    I’ve been stalking your blog for a while, but only just stumbled upon this recipe – the shame!! I’m definitely giving this one a go – would be perfect with some spiralized sweet potato fries wrapped in big green lettuce leaves! (My IBS wouldn’t allow me to have the bread, unfortunately. Big sobs). Can’t wait to give it a try!!

  21. Elise (Post author)

    hi li! glad you found me 🙂

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