I have so little energy to blog…I honestly don’t even know how I got myself to open wordpress, but here I am with four seconds to spare and so I’m going to upload some food photos because it makes me happy to see/reminisce on things I made.
I’m pretty proud of everything I am making these days on account of how stunted I feel. My creativity is suffering from soaring like a bird with nipped wings. I am doing my best though. And the fam is legitimately LOVING every meal that comes out of the kitchen so I guess I can’t complain.
Salad leftovers + almonds + avo
Couscous with sautéed squash and shrimp with basil and feta.

Blackened brussels and bacon served over tri-color quinoa with balsamic reduction pan sauce

Freezer find from I don’t want to know how many Easter’s ago.

At least three years ago. Don’t even care.
Real Phat Foods ships their products. Just sayin’
I have gone to GREAT lengths to keep all the ingredients required for my favorite grain salad in stock. Once I got the miso paste, I thought I was in the clear, but then sheep feta has been a little more tricky. Farm Fresh to You only has cow feta, but I did get chevre to swap in.

The next obstacle was candied nuts, but that was a quick fix once I found the time to do a big batch myself.
I also just replenished my farro supply, so I think it should be smooth sailing for a while…

You all know how much I love the Thai Quinoa salad from Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow.
It’s the only recipe I’ve managed to plan in advance and make. The rest of my meal planning has gone out of the window because it is too hard to know what groceries I can and can’t source from my CSA far enough in advance.
This is going GREAT for my anxiety, of course, because we al know how much I love flying by the seat of my pants and not having a set plan.
Control freak over here is NOT in love with this ongoing mental battle in the least.

How are YOU guys doing?? Share! More human connection!!

I’m so happy you’re blogging more! I have been following your blog for like a decade and it has been nice to see all these daily posts. Love riffing off your salads.
For some reason my comfort food has been freshly cooked garbanzos with a little olive oil and nooch on top. I can’t figure out why but it’s all I really crave… so weird.
But I totally hear you about meal planning because that is driving me crazy too. I have definitely compensated by stocking my pantry better than ever. Still no flour though lol
Love reading your post and seeing your Instagram post. You are doing a wonderful job with the kids and making the most creative meals. You continue to inspire me to cook creatively and use what I have. Life has changed in so many positive ways and I hope the positives will continue to prevail. Enjoy your chocolate fix! My daily coffee gives me motivation to move and in the evening I enjoy reading post from people like you.
Yay! Thanks for the encouragement Lynn 🙂 . I agree that there have been a surprising number of positives to result from this…continuing to focus on those as we look to the future.
Hi KC! Thanks for saying hi 🙂
Chickpeas w nooch and evoo are so good…especially when they are still a little warm from the instant pot with some thyme and rosemary. We call it benz and chez (like beans and cheese said with a silly accent – it’s something my sister and I have said since we were kiddos and it carried on to my kids).
The flour and yeast situation is so weird, right?!!?
I am so not a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants person. I like routine and knowing what’s coming! I wish my husband enjoyed grain, veg and protein bowls as much as I do. It’s such an easy formula to play with. He is definitely a meat-centric guy which drives me bananas sometimes. With an 8-month-old right now my brain is complete mush and energy to cook has not really been there. You are not alone!!
I feel you, girl! Keep on truckin’ . If it gets the job done, it’s a success.
I am a planner through and through so these times are tough! Feeling fortunate for grocery delivery though, even though they don’t make the substitutions I would-still thankful! I’ve also picked up baking sourdough in this crazy time and am really enjoying it!
im building up the nerve to try it (since I still can’t get yeast). Wish me luck!