I waited (and waited and waited) to write this post…all in the hopes that I wouldn’t have to.
Alas, here I am on the official due date of my son, not in labor.
He’s in no hurry. Maybe I’ve made it too comfortable in there.
Every time I feel a slight twinge of anything uncomfortable I hope it gets worse. It’s a weird thing to hope for pain, especially after going 10 months (or your whole adult life, if you’ve always planned on having kids) dreading the act of labor. I’ve been dreading labor since I was in nursing school and witnessed several births. Scratch that. I’ve been dreading labor since I was forced to watch an up close and personal video of the grand event in my religious education class. Traumatic is what it was. And now it’s the complete opposite. Bring it. [Soon-ish preferably]
Our OB isn’t keen on going past 41 weeks, so there’s a real countdown now (one that actually has an expiration date). If you do the math, that brings us to the 14th. Meh. This Valentine’s Day might be one for the books.
In the meantime, I’ll have non-stress tests twice a week just to make sure he’s still doing okay. We were supposed to schedule the first one last week but neither Kyle nor I have done so. I know we are both putting it off for the same reason. Maybe we should try some reverse psychology and just get a date in the books. [Edited to add: we just made the NST appointment for tomorrow]
I think Kyle’s more anxious than I am. It may have something to do with my obvious discomfort. I huff and puff around the house all day long and I think he’s starting to really feel bad for me. I long for the days of normal breathing again.
After several horrible reflux days in a row I just stopped taking the antacids altogether. They clearly weren’t working and I’m pretty anti-meds in the first place (so I’m definitely not going to continue to take a prescription that doesn’t even work). I’ve been off it for a week now and I haven’t noticed any difference at all, which really annoys me. Here I’ve been suffering through headaches and other minor ailments sans drugs and the one thing I cave on turns out to be a waste. Grrr. I’m being dramatic, I know. I definitely noticed a huge improvement back when I started it, but it’s still frustrating that I took pills against my wishes that turned out to not really be worth it.
The worst part is how awful the reflux is. I’m unable to eat normal sized portions, and there’s no ifs ands or buts about it. Food is like a tease. And really good food is torture. Grocery shopping is downright depressing. But that’s enough whining. It’s not even interesting.
Given the above it’s no real surprise that I’ve lost a pound in the past week.
Oddly enough I feel HUGE. And I can tell my belly has gotten bigger too. I have a rotation of PJs and sweatpants that fit and not much else. Going into public is such a pain because I feel like a slob. But I am still (kinda) exercising. I go for hour long walks every day. I’m so fortunate to live in So Cal where the weather is at least cooperative and I don’t have to hassle with properly fitting winter running clothes. I wear stretchy running shorts and one of Kyle’s undershirts (and if needed an unzipped running jacket) and I’m good to go. As you can see, stylish maternity wear is long gone.

My son was 12 days late and I was induced. I always joke that he was a mama’s boy from the start.
I know nothing about this subject 😉 but I am so excited for you guys!!
i love it! he just doesnt wanna part w me 🙂
thanks girl 🙂
Aw!! Well, it’s like ripening fruit: it’ll fall from the tree when it’s actually ready!!! 🙂
You look radiant, and knowing D-Day (or V-day!) is just around the corner, you can really cherish these last few days of baby-in-belly.
Thinking happy thoughts for you!! xo
You look great! Hope it all goes wonderfully and soon for your sake !
I can feel the anticipation, anxiety and the excitement all bundled up into one in this post. I’ll be praying for the safe and smooth delivery of your baby Elise! Sending lots of love xo
Hang in there! Have you had your membranes stripped? It can be painful but sometimes it’s just the thing to get the ball rolling.
Hope baby hippie comes soon!
Your little boy is just waiting tell he is good and ready. I’m sorry your feeling uncomfortable. I know nothing about babies but my friends OB told her to try to get in more exercise, maybe it’s worth a try. you look beautiful by the way. no one expects pregnant ladys walking around all glamorous, don’t worry about the sweats.
oh my gosh, I’m scared of labor and I’ve only seen a birthing video a couple times throughout school. I covered my face. I am, however, SO EXCITED to see your little guy!
C’mon little baby, come out & play!
If you wait until the 20th though, that’s MY birthday!! Ha-ha! No, I wouldn’t wish that on you really, only kidding 😉
Good luck luvie x
bahaha. thanks 🙂
yup. theyve been stripped. a few times.
there needs to be a PUSH button, yes?
Baby being overdue resulted in the cutest post!! Silver lining?
I’ll take it!!
I am crossing my fingers for you!!!! It is gonna happen soon. Xoxo
Good luck girl, you can do it! Evening primrose oil maybe?
That baby boy is just getting all chubby and healthy in there…let him cook. Even though I KNOOOWWW it’s so miserable.
I think about you like 10 times a day…I am just SO excited for you!!
kyle and i quote adrienne on the daily btw. we’ve watched the video sooo many times, haha.
i feel like the photo of her w dip all down her face is way more blackmail though – the video is soooo cute.
Happy EDD!!!! -With an emphasis on the “E” 😉 You look amazing, and won’t have to wait much longer now. Hang in there and enjoy feeling him move around on the inside. It probably sounds strange, but there are days when I miss being pregnant. I’ll be thinking of you and sending ELV your way.
Seriously, boys just love their momma’s! My son was 5 days late, my daughter, 5 days early. He’s just a typical guy, all comfy and in no hurry to move out!
Hang in there, it won’t be long…
I’ve read your blog practically since you started, but never left a comment. But now I need to tell you I’m so excited and happy for you!!! Hope the little boy comes out soon!!! Much love and blessings to you and your family.
Forgive the bad english, i’m italian 🙂
Good luck! The waiting game is the worse part. Praying for you to have a happy and healthy delivery.
LOVE these photos! And I’m just going to say it again tomorrow is the day. fo sho.
you look amazing! you could never look like a slob!
maybe he will grace you with his presence tomorrow 🙂
Hi Elise! I also lost a bit a weight the week I had my baby (granted I didn’t have a natural birth) but anyway, I think I read somewhere that it means baby is on his way. Hopefully before the 14th 🙂 I know how you feel – 4 weeks post partum and soooo happy not to be pregnant & dealing with aches and pains anymore. Now I’ve got other things to worry about 🙂 I check your blog for updates compulsively during the day for updates. Can’t wait for your little one’s arrival! Not normal since I don’t know you & live on the other side of the world, but still so excited for you 🙂 Hang in there!
Happy due date! I’m sure I’ll still be waiting on my due date too.
I’ve totally forgotten what it’s like to breathe normally! I was having a conversation the other day and I must’ve been sitting in the wrong position or something because just talking was making me breathless. Crazy.
Will defo keep you posted on any happenings but you have to do the same! 🙂 They let us go up to 42 weeks here so I could have another 3 1/2 weeks but the closer due date gets the more relaxed I feel. Hope your little man gets moving soon xxx
Try accupuncture I know of a couple people it worked for ( within 24 hours). Ive been checking your blog a slightly obsessive amount waiting for good news, I hope your birth comes beautifully and naturally.
Any day now! Love that last photo, too cute!
Oh my gosh that is the sweetest picture ever
Well, take that as a sign to do something nice for yourself! Get a pedicure (painted toes can be a great focal point), book a massage, or go shopping for a comfy & cute going home outfit. It will happen when you least expect it. My only other piece of advice is to be open minded and not be too hard on yourself if things don’t go the way you had planned. With my first I was determined to go without drugs and labor mostly in the jetted tub. The night I went into labor the water was turned off at the hospital, after 12 hours I ended up needing something for pain, and at 18 hours and fully dialated they took her via emergency c-section. Not much had turned out the way I had planned but at the end of the day I had a beautiful, healthy baby in my arms and it didn’t really matter how she got there. Go with the flow, enjoy the process, and pat yourself on the back for being part of this magical cycle of life. xo
Crossing my fingers for you!
Hang in there! I know how frustrating this waiting can be. I was a week late (she was born on the day they were planning to induce, since my OB wouldn’t let me go any longer than one week late), and had been sent home from the hospital once already before it finally “took” (and even then I had 24 hour labor). It feels like the baby will never arrive – but then he will and all will be wonderful. So, just keep hanging in there is about all I can say!
thank ammie 🙂
i totally know what you mean though – i thought about you the entire weekend that i knew you were going in for the c section!!
Try to relax – I know it’s hard! My son came 16 days after my EDD … just had to wait until he was ready.
I am so sorry to hear about the reflux, Elise. That is no fun. BUT, I am so excited and happy for you and Kyle! I am sending good thoughts your way and hope that you (and the baby!) can stay healthy and happy til he decides to make himself known 🙂
Every time a new post of yours pops up in my reader, I think it’s the day! A bit long is better than too early, but I know that’s little consolation when you are physically uncomfortable.
On a positive note, such a big event on Valentine’s Day would make for good memories. My first Valentine’s Day with my husband (then bf) involved me having to go to the emergency room. Not only did he stay with me for most of the day at the hospital, but the next day when he came to pick me up he brought me coffee instead of flowers….and that’s when I knew it was love 😉
aww…haha…that would have sealed fate for me too 🙂
When you least expect it, that baby is going to drop! I hope you enjoy your last days being connected together, as a true part of you (in your belly!)! Soon, he’ll be his own little entity, bringing joy to your life 🙂
The picture of Kyle kissing your belly is hella cute.
If it makes you feel any better…I lost a pound the week leading up to when our daughter was born! I hope you get to meet your son soon! 🙂 I’ll be praying!
Hi! Sometimes reflex is actually a sign of lack of stomach acid and people take antacids and it just makes it worse. Have you ever tried taking HCI with pepsin? Your sensitivity to FODMAPS could be caused by SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) and a lot of times people with SIBO have low stomach acid (along with people who don’t eat meat)….just a thought as I know I used to have the same symptoms and now after getting my SIBO treated I can wat pretty much anything without issues:) I know you have a lot going on, but might be something to look into in the future! Sending good health for you and your son!
I’m thinking of you! So exciting! I KNOW it’s SO hard but try to relax 🙂 He’ll be here soon! And I can’t wait to “meet” him!
Crazy that they won’t let you go past 41 weeks. During my entire first pregnancy. Seriously, every appointment, the midwives reminded me that first pregnancies usually go 41 weeks.
You look so adorable!!! Can’t wait for you to meet your little boy 🙂