Another week of OIT. I’m getting sentimental about our Fremont trips already now that we only have one left. As a special treat, we went EXTRA early so that we could go to WF before his appointment to get donuts. He has never had a donut, but has read about them in books, and has seen them on display at WF when we go.
So I figured why not!? He’s safe enough with peanut that he can have things from bulk bins and salad bars and whatnot, and WF has vegan donuts so I don’t even have to worry about dairy.
He was SO SO excited.
We got two to share, chocolate and maple. He started with the chocolate, and I with the maple, before we switched and shared our second halves.
I got a coconut milk cafe au lait as well.
Not sure he understands the right technique for donut eating…or maybe he understands perfectly the right technique…
As you can probably tell, my portion of the chocolate donut was kinda devoid of chocolate. : /
We passed the time the same as usual – stickers, coloring, music, and snacks. With vital signs in between.
But really, it was a quickie because we only did one single dose.
The amounts of peanut he’s eating are so high now that I am sticking to my gut, doing one dose at a time, so that his body doesn’t get slammed. Even with one single updose, he still had over triple the amount he had been previously on, because we usually dose at night. You have to pre-dose when you first get to the appointment though, so his cumulative dose on Friday was equivalent to 12 peanuts (!!!). That’s a lot for his little body to handle.
If all goes well, next appointment will be his last. I just have to schedule it for a time when Kyle can come because it’s a big deal and obviously he wants to be there for it. He’s already taken the past two Fridays off work to watch V (because my parents are in Hawaii).
Whole Foods trip of the week!
I spent way too much money, but like I said, I am feeling all panicked at the idea of not having a WF and it’s making me act totally irrational. If I realllly analyze it though, I think it’s actually just the way my other emotions are manifesting themselves. Because it’s not like I’m truly afraid of not having access to a WF ever again (there’s one a mile from my parents’ house). What I am afraid of, is missing out on the weekly time with P, where we hang out for hours together and get yummy food after and sit and chat and eat. It’s time that I cherish, even though it’s sometimes riddled with stress. He likes WF almost as much as I do and enjoys going down every single aisle and looking at all the different food. It’s like grocery shopping used to be! But nowadays, with the whole family, I just want to get it done as fast as possible and that means I miss out on the time I used to spend dilly dallying and browsing without any time constraints or whining children forcing me to make decisions in under two seconds. You get me. You guys are the same, I’m sure.
Once home, Valley was still napping, so I ate lunch (fried Brussels with kimchi sauce – amazing!! – from the hot bar) and then went out on an adventure with my buddy.
Good thing I had my all terrain boots on because he had big ideas about what we were doing. And I just followed along. It was heaven. Can you tell what a great spot I’m at with this boy of mine? He’s just the most special thing. And thanks to Reese’s Pieces, our relationship is as strong as ever.
We hunted for foxes, followed trails through the wilderness, and explored every bush, rock, tree, and flower from our neighborhood to the bridge a mile away, and back again.
And then Kyle and V met us at the park behind our house for some afternoon play.
For dinner, I made a salad with butter lettuce and radicchio, avocado, and balsamic vinaigrette.
Roasted potatoes.
And nom nom paleo green chicken.
The potatoes were the best part, to be honest, because I wasn’t really in the mood for the dark meat. Sometimes I think breasts are too dry and blah, and then other times I think they are perfect. And sometimes I think thighs and legs are too fatty and greasy, and then other times I think they are perfect. I guess it just depends on how they are prepared and what I’m in the mood for…but today wasn’t my day for the dark meat.
I got a few more of these at the Fremont WF. They are my new favorite. A nice ending to a week.
The weekend started with a rather lame workout (seriously, I completely phoned it in), followed by a meh smoothie. I ran out of protein powder and I should have added nuts or something to the smoothie to compensate but I thought coconut would be enough.
A while ago, I got the frozen coconut meat chunks in the TJs freezer section, but they’ve been sitting in my freezer ever since. Truthfully, I didn’t know if the blender would be able to handle them. They are really hard! I finally gave them a shot and the blender was fine, but I’m not sure I like the flavor they added to the smoothie.
It had frozen banana, frozen berries, flax seeds, and almond milk, too.
Meh. I added granola on top and it was ok. Gotta prep some breakfast stuffs for me this week.
Kyle took the kids to farmer’s market for a dad date that morning so I could have some solo time. I promised him I’d relax, and I did for half the time, which was more than he expected. And the rest of the time I got the house in order. Then I made kid lunches so my hungry babes would be fed right when they got home.
I used some of the prep for my own lunch.
I’m experimenting to see if my gut likes cooked cruciferous better than raw. Not that I’ve ever noticed it not liking all the heaps of kale I eat, but you never know. Always testing new things out…
So I sauteed a bunch of Brussels sprouts and kale and then tossed it in a champagne vinaigrette (olive oil, champagne vinegar, dijon mustard, lemon juice, maple syrup, salt and pepper) and then added it to a massive bowl to eat throughout the week. Or for two days until I finish it all.
I added roasted butternut squash, candied walnuts, goat cheese, and dried cranberries.
Chèvre + the zingy vinaigrette! Squash + candied nuts! It’s all so gooood!
I’ll probably be repeating this a bunch more.
We played tennis and then hit up Costco that afternoon before a dinner date with some friends.
When my girlfriend first found out that I’d never been she was so appalled. We have been talking about going for so long (years!), but now that P is able to eat out it’s actually possible to do as a whole family. Both kids loved their burgers (I mean, duh) and so did I! I completely get the hype. No offense to Shake Shack, but this was way better.
And then we went over to their house to play games. They even had Reese’s Pieces for Pattycakes’ dose!
Weekends with friends are the best.

I am always amazed at the amount of raw veg that you can eat! I have to do pretty well-cooked veggies for the most part or I end up in pain. Unfortunately, lettuce is one of the worst. I miss salads!! I was strict FODMAP for awhile, but have been working on adding foods back in and seeing what my body can handle. Sometimes it feels like the fiber itself is more of the problem than the FODMAPS. My guys have healed a ton, but IBS is so frustrating!
I love your shoes! Can I ask what they are??
It is SO FRUSTRATING. I’m experimenting now too…it’s hardly conclusive though 😛
Thanks! They were my Christmas present 🙂
Sperry duck boots
how did you live in southern California and not go to IN ‘N OUT!!!!!! Secondly,those little ones are getting so grown up. Lastly, try some apples diced up and sautéed with the kale and sprouts. Have a wonderful week.
thank you mucho!
ps i didnt eat meat when i lived in so cal!
That is such awesome news he is still good with the Reese’s! My gosh P looks SO tall and like a real Big Kid in these photos!
The whole foods doughnut is totally exciting stuff, although yeah the frosting is the entire point for me too 🙂
I was totally disappointed with the frozen coconut chunks from TJs- i guess I thought they would be like the innards of a young coconut for some reason. Nope.
I’ve been to in and out a few times but as a vegetarian it’s pointless (and the burger smells bother me), but that looks like you had a lot of fun! And eating out with P!! Anywhere!?!! Priceless.
Right!?! Kinda a bummer about the coconut, but I guess Tjs can’t win em all. Definitely pointless to go to in n out as a veggie (which is why I had never been before now).
That is so awesome and I’m really happy for you! I have to admit I’m also a little bit jealous…a year and half ago we had successful food challenges for tree nuts and the only allergies left were peanuts and tree nuts. That gave me hope that we could do OIT for those two and maybe just like you know be able to eat out, let him pick something at Whole Foods etc. Then came an anaphylactic reaction to hazelnuts, then a mild reaction to walnuts…we got him tested and all his tree nuts levels went through the roof (up to 4-5 times higher than his peanut level). And it’s every single one, no matter if he ate it regularly or never. Every single one, with the sole exception of almonds. So right now I feel totally defeated…last week he reacted to Chia seeds so with that and sesame “normal” becomes pretty much impossible. Especially when it comes to “health” foods. And to top it off his brother is allergic to fish and eggs…so yeah, just shoot me now.
I meant to say peanuts and sesame were left…
Do you know how much peanut is in the regular Reese’s? I have to give my little guy peanut regularly to at least maybe protect him and he’s getting more picky too.
even though I’ve been following your blog forever, the socal no meat days completely escaped my mind.!!!
Ok so it took me a REALLY long time to figure this out because for dairy, the dosing was based on the grams of protein. But what I came to realize with peanuts, is that the amount we measure for dosing is the weight of the whole peanut (ground up or whole or however it’s eaten) not the protein. So you can’t calculate by the amount of protein unless you know that number. I did the math after I sorted this out and I **think** the amount of grams of protein he gets right now is just over 1 gram. The maintenance dose is only barely higher. Our MD apparently has a calculation for the amount of peanut in Reese’s pieces. Don’t quote me on it because I don’t have it written down, but I think it was something like 1/2 a peanuts worth per reese’s?
OH STEPHANIE I am so so sorry. I completely feel for you. That’s just insanely hard and stressful. I can’t imagine. Having the taste of freedom and then going back to such restrictions would be SO frustrating, not to mention scary because his reactions seem inconsistent. Ugh. I hope you can get to a place where you at least figure everything out…maybe OIT will be an option later down the line?