More pancakes pleeeeeeease…
As you wish, my bebes.
And then some leftovers waffles for moi. With cashew buttah.
We played outside, I planted the basil that I’d been growing inside, they picked chard and strawberries and zucchini, and they drew a map of all the cities they knew.
Until it was time for library.
The weather has been nicer out (not as hot) so I didn’t think library would be as crowded. I was wrong. It was still a cluster. The kids have been breezing through their summer reading sheets though, so we need new books big time. I switched to a bigger library bag last month to hold more than it did before. Reading the same 10 books for a week straight gets…predictable. 😉
Oh hi I’m obsessed with salmon right now. Smoked, cured, grilled, baked, whatever, I want it all. I wanted this for lunch the day before, but I knew we were having it for dinner so I saved it for another day. This salad was also kale, cabbage, miso dressing, an entire avocado, and then an INSANEEEEEE amount of salty kettle chips on the side. Oh my gosh those ridges and salt do me in every time I open the bag. It’s such a problem you guys. This bag needs to get out of my life. Gahhhhh…needless to save I was pretty full for the rest of the day.
Post nap story time with my little twinsies looks like this. I read dozens of books in the afternoon and they love it. I have to bribe them with more books to get them out of their pjs and into real clothes. Honestly, I could bribe them to do anything with books. With great power comes great responsibility.
I made a Thai kind of salad for dinner with chicken baked in a honey almond sauce that I had in a mason jar in the fridge from some meal who knows how long ago. I’m in fridge/pantry clean out mode right now so I managed to find everything for this meal without an additional shopping trip. I baked the chicken in the sauce, then shredded it once it came out, which then made it absorb all the extra sauce. I poured it all (still hot) over kale and cabbage to help it wilt a bit. Then I added the rice noodles and stuck it all in the fridge for later.
We had Valley girl’s first day of soccer! She’s been begging for this day since she’s been watching her big bro for a while now. But first, I thought I’d take them for a Jamba Juice snack.
P fell asleep before we even left the driveway, though, so I took the opportunity to run by a neighbors house and grab some of their plums before going to Jamba. P slept the whole time and then I transferred him into the stroller and he slept through THAT too. So I just ordered a smoothie for them to split (per usual) but got whatever V wanted while P snoozed away (they choose by color and so I just manipulate something healthy to get it to be the color they’ve requested). Usually I can get them to agree on a color, because I make them share the same order. But of course this time they couldn’t agree. V wanted a purple smoothie, but P wanted a yellow one (before falling asleep). You snooze you lose though, soooo purple is is! He slept through yet another transfer – back into the car this time – but then I had to wake him up by the time we got to soccer. It had been over an hour!
My little stud.
Think she liked it???
Dinner time!
For a fridge clean out this was a legit meal. Kyle was soooo into it. But once again I was reminded about how annoying spaghetti noodles are for the kids to eat. Why are they so hard for them to eat??
Dessert o’clock.
Check out our yellow plum score!!
And our fruit basket that’s getting ever so ridiculous with the heaps of zucchini. I’m thinking of having a spiralizing/shredding party tomorrow.

Do you make your own miso dressing? Would love your recipe of so!!!
What’s your go-to or favorite waffle recipe that you find yourself using the most? I need a good one!
Hi Elise! Was hoping you could tell me what kind of waffle maker you use? (i tried looking through your ‘waffle’ posts) You have had me hooked on getting one for a while now and I cant decide which one >_< thank you!
That salad looked great! I always cute my kids’ spaghetti noodles with kitchen scissors. I love that I can bribe my kids with books and library time too.
cuisinart. Cuisinart WAF-150 4-Slice Belgian Waffle Maker, Stainless Steel
“>this one
V’s face playing soccer is totally priceless!!
I got really into reading as a young kid and to this day i read a LOT just for pleasure- i would rather read a good book than watch tv anytime! Well, i actually don’t even own a tv, haven’t for a few years now (i’ll watch netflix or youtube stuff)
That’s an awesome meal for a fridge cleanout! Maybe you could just cut the kids noodles so they’re easier to eat?
V is too cute playing soccer!