Soda Springs is a great place for kids and it’s also pretty close to us in Davis. It’s directly off 80 before you even get all the way to Tahoe, so a quick 2 hours after breakfast we were ready to go!
It opens at 10 so we were among the first to arrive and rent gear. I signed P up for a lesson since he’s never done skiing before, so while we waited for that to start we did tubing.
After that I got him up on skis and he walked around a bit to acclimate before his lesson started.
Weee!!! He was so proud! I was so proud!
What a fun day we had. 🙂
After a quickie lunch at the car (I packed us food) we went back to it.
He didn’t want to ski anymore so I returned his stuff and we spent the rest of the afternoon playing. I want him to love skiing as much as I do, so I feel like it’s essential that his first exposures to it are positive ones. As much as I wanted to maximize our time there and the rental, it was better to just let him enjoy it in that small dose.
He’s already begging to go back again!
Such a silly kiddo.
He fell asleep the second we hit the road.
We stopped at the Roseville WF on the way home. It’s THE BEST Whole Foods around (although Fremont’s is pretty amazing too). Roseville has a restaurant INSIDE it though. Plus it’s just huge. Amazing. P loves strolling through the store with me. We opened a bag of Lundberg rice chips and munched as we went down every aisle.
I had a few things I wanted to get, but mostly had no agenda beyond getting dinner. Still – we sampled cheese, chatted it up at the meat counter – before eventually making our way to the prepared foods section.
I let P pick out whatever he wanted for us to have for dinner and he chose pulled pork and roasted potatoes from the hot bar. Fine by me! They didn’t have a great veg option, though, so I told him I’d make Brussels sprouts when we got home.
He spent the time I was cooking coloring everything from our ski trip 🙂 I was really soaking up the one on one time. Kyle had taken V to a college basketball game so it was just the two of us for dinner.
I got two different kinds of pulled pork (why not?) including a nom nom paleo one sweetened with pineapples and pineapple juice and a more traditional one with cane sugar.
Can you guess which was better? I hate to knock it (because I loooove nom nom paleo’s recipes) but the kind with sugar and oil was superior. The pineapple kind was too tangy.
But I agree with Mr. P, the Brussels were definitely the best.
I really wasn’t feeling like dessert (in the sense that my sweet tooth was not calling for sweets) but I had just bought some bulk bin sweets and was sad that I didn’t feel like it. Such a weird problem to have!! Kyle convinced me to just lie a little and eat food that I (SHOCK) didn’t need. I decided to listen to him because life is short and I hadn’t had dessert in SO LONG. I was nervous that my sweet tooth was gone! I don’t know if that would be a good thing or bad thing. It definitely makes sense why I went years of my life thinking I didn’t like chocolate. I hadn’t had it in so long I didn’t think I liked it so I just never ate it…it’s like the healthiest kind of vicious cycle ever.
After dessert I did some menu planning. I got a bunch of “extra lean” grass fed beef chunk meat on sale at WF ($4.99 per pound!!) and was trying to figure out what to do with it this week.
Wow. I have quite the meat-y cookbook collection these days!