Well, I took my pills before bed last night and that turned out to be a bad call because they felt all lodged in my esophagus and I couldn’t lie down for a while, so I just sat in bed playing on my phone hoping the feeling would go away. It never really did before I went to bed, and I woke up a few times throughout the night (which I never do) so who knows what that was about, but it wasn’t a restful sleep, for sure. Note to self: remember pills today.
Look at that gorgeous cup!
I made another batch of almond milk for my coffee this week and this time used raw blanched slivered almonds. It’s impossible to find blanched whole almonds, so I figured slivered was the way to go. I added salt, vanilla, and stevia.
Look how white! Mmmmm…I immediately added some to my mug which is why it’s all frothy in the first pic. Heavenly.
Another zucchini bread morning.
Back to the nut butter topping, though.
Cashew butter, to be exact.
Which I ate leisurely before heading to church.
I felt a little bloated for almost an hour after eating this, but then it went away. Not sure if that had to do with the fact that I took some pills before brekkie on an empty stomach. Either way I felt fine later.
For lunch, I ate the rest of the tuna salad I made yesterday with another 1/2 avo added. I guess I need to buy more tuna now?! Seems an easy thing to keep stocked for quick meals. Buying the Wild Planet ones are so expensive though, it’s almost the same price per ounce as fresh fish! Ok not really, but it’s high quality, sustainable, and (most importantly) DELISH so I guess I will continue my loyalty. It’s ever so slightly cheaper in bulk on amazon than it is on Thrive Market. I’ve been noticing Thrive Market hasn’t been as competitive lately with their prices, has anyone else noticed that? Especially considering they charge you for an ice pack any time you order chocolate (what I used to always get) which basically negates the reduced price I was initially ordering from Thrive for. Maybe WF has just met the competition by lowering their prices? I feel a little bad for Thrive now that amazon has acquired Whole Foods. But not too too bad if soon I’ll be able to order anything I want from amazon!?!
I also had carrots and the rest of the lettuce and balsamic vinaigrette from two days ago.
I waited a couple of hours before taking my pills, spreading them out over 30 minutes so I wouldn’t feel like I had a lump in my throat. Success! Truth be told I have felt nada from the pills so far. Still doing great with my dietary changes though. My GI symptoms are super super minor if and when I have them. It’s for sure helpful being diligent about avoiding fodmaps. If nothing else, it’s comforting to know that I can get my gut back on track with this dietary approach.
We had a nice little afternoon (we’d promised him mini golf at the end of the school year) followed by a trip to WF on the way home. It was our first time at the Arden WF (because it’s 30 minutes away) but that still makes it the closest to us. That said, I don’t think we’ll be back. It’s a meh WF. Why that one got to stay open and the Davis location closed is not clear to me. The hot bar selection was fairly uninspired but I got some ribs that looked good. Back at home I made a salad for Kyle and I paired with my ribs. They were really good. Way better than I expected. The salad had mixed greens, salted roasted pepitas, and a dressing made with olive oil, balsamic glaze, salt and pepper. (Plus strawberries but I gave those to Kyle).
I skipped my chocolate dessert but enjoyed a kevitas master brew kombucha instead. I never thought I’d say this, but I may prefer them over GTs?? Maybe that’s going too far. I like GTs diverse flavor options – there’s always one for the mood I’m in (trilogy, gingerberry, green, lemonade, gingerade, rose…I could go on and on) – but ever since I bought the cases of kevita from Costco, they have truly grown on me and turned into the ones I find myself reaching for the most.
PS Starting tonight and all day tomorrow is PRIME DAY! What are you ordering on amazon for a good deal!?! Inquiring minds want to shop…(vicariously through you)

The booch may also contribute to your restless night. I believe it has some caffeine!!
Oh duh! Good thinking!
I just wanted to share with you how awesome I have been feeling! I finally think I am on to something. I also thought I had SIBO and all the things I read about through my research and just love to read everything I can on these topics, but I know from years and years of reading we can fit our symptoms into almost anyone of the list of symptoms for these IBS/FODMAP/gluten/dairy related problems. I finally found a holistic/MD(been to several) at Weil Cornell/Columbia Presbyterian and he is a specialist in a very narrow field of gastroenterology that I never found before. Working with the nutritionist in his office a lot of light bulbs went on as to how today’s diets and guidance might not really be the way to go. I have never felt better these past few weeks and I am actually in the process of speaking to some people about writing a book on this long, long journey that is littered with poor very unknowledgeableuncaring medical professionals to eager to prescribe drugs that have harmful long term side effects and often from years of research do not help.
I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Amazing! I’d buy that book 🙂 Great for you finding what fits for your body.
I agree about Thrive! I always check their prices, but usually end up ordering from Vitacost or Amazon after comparing prices. Plus, vitacost and amazon have so many more options. Hopefully Thrive will up their game and get better prices and a better selection soon!
I am very impressed with your dedication to the diet–you are doing so well!
I have never ordered from vitacost! Maybe I should check it out…
Do you like other tinned seafood like sardines or mackerel? Either would also work like a tuna salad, just different flavor. Wild planet also sells them for cheaper than the tuna. Vitacost is awesome.
Actually on the west coast you should be able to find fresh sardines which are supposedly much more mild than canned, would work great grilled.