One last run in Central Park. That’s how Kyle and I spent our morning before we said goodbye to the big apple.
I actually ended up pulling a weird groin muscle on the run, but let’s just pretend it was all hunky-dory and nicely bookended our trip.
Post-cardio, we showered, checked out of the hotel, and hit up Le Pain Quotidien for brunch.
In case you were wondering, Le Pain Quotidien translates to "the daily bread." Mastering the pronunciation, on the other hand, is not my area of expertise. Their website offered little help with this tutorial: luh paN koh-ti-dyaN. A nice suggestion, but I still don’t get it.
You say pahn, I say payn…tomato, tomahhhto.
There are a ton of locations throughout Manhattan. Our old apartment was around the corner from this one.
The downstairs has to-go coffee, baked goods, and “their daily breads.”
And a beautiful assortment of tasty treats. Kyle wouldn’t let me check any bags flying home, so I couldn’t get any of the fancy preserves or nut butters, but the Belgian praline spread had me drooling before we even sat down to eat.
Upstairs they have rows of communal tables for seated meals. I had a nice spot that allowed me to peek into the kitchen and watch the chefs prep the meals.
I’m kinda bummed I wasn’t in the mood for savory, because they had so many vegan specials that sounded awesome. So fresh! It’s so odd how you can be smack dab in the heart of Manhattan and still feel like you’re eating farm to table.
Anyway. We started with a pot of coffee (times two) and soy milk (times two).
Kyle got the vegetable quiche which came with a side salad and melon.
I think he wanted the entire quiche.
His piece was gone before I even dipped into my breakfast.
I got steel cut oats (made with water) topped in fresh berries. Nothing fancy, just what I craved. I used the extra soy milk from my coffee to pour on top.
Steel cut oats are so chewy! I love the texture – this meal was a good reminder for me to buy this version of the grain in the future.
After brunch we walked down Fifth Avenue…
FNO pride.
US pride.
Tina Fey?
We sat down to soak up the last few moments in the middle of the city’s hustle and bustle…when these bells rang in the hour, scaring the crap out of us.
And then it was time to head back to the hotel. :(
Can you believe I went to New York and didn’t once go to Starbucks or Whole Foods!?! It was one of my goals going into the trip (as well as trying as many new places as possible)…so I would say the weekend was a success all around.
It certainly didn’t make me want to move back (I’m a CA girl and that’s never going to change), but it did refresh my perspective on where New York’s dining scene fits in with the rest of my travels. Not that you asked, but in my opinion, there’s no city that comes close to New York. The restaurants are just on another level.
Lucky for me, Los Angeles isn’t too far behind.
I had more Liquiteria cookies while we commuted on the LIRR.
Checking in at JetBlue was relatively painless. It helps when you don’t have 10 ounces of hummus to explain…
The new terminal is so awesome. Very Whole-Foods-esque with the salad bar and vegetarian-friendly to-go options.
Kyle got vegan sesame noodles, which he said were kinda dry, but it was better than the (greasy) alternative.
I made a monstrosity of a salad.
I for sure cannot even begin to remember what was in there. It went on forever and took a delightful 30+ minutes to eat.
There was more, too (vegan dumplings, grape/raspberry water).
Kyle and I tried to bet each other how much our airport food total would be. He guessed $60 and (thank goodness) was way off. I guessed $30 but I was too low. Yikes!
In addition to the above, we got another banana and water, but it really wasn’t that much stuff! I’d still rather pay the ridiculous price and have decent options when flying though. If it comes down to Sbarro slices or chalking up an extra Andrew Jackson, I will gladly go with the latter. You?
What do you think the foodie capital of the world is? Where’s your favorite city to dine?

I used to work RIGHT across the street from the one you went to! I almost always order the oats when I’m there for breakfast, and then ask for the condiment basket so I can put the Noisette spread on it! Nom nom nom.
I love all the vegan friendly options at LPQ! Actually got an ammmaaaazing chia seed vegan muffin there not long ago- their hazelnut spread is to.die.for. However, the “specaloos” like in your photo is such a $11 a jar letdown! I was so excited and its just blah… Glad to see you had such a great time here
NYC is my favorite foodie city. Pre-vegan days and vegan now. But if I were going to just eat chocolate…Paris would win. No contest 🙂
Home in San Francisco will always be my #1 food city. And vegan paradise. 🙂
I love love love LPQ! Ive been to the ones in New York and here at home in DC. All of their vegan dishes always hit the spot and the restaurants always feels so warm and cozy on the inside.
NYC is my favorite foodie city. Next time you go back you should try, The Organic Grill, in East Village. Their breakfast is ammmmazing!
I still need to try San Fran, heard they have quite a selection of vegetarian and vegan restaurants. DC does a pretty good job, but nothing is close to NYC.
I don’t know what the foodie capital is, but it certainly isn’t my city! I can’t wait to flex my NYC muscles. I think I’d live there if the air didn’t feel so dirty to me. It just sounds divine! Then again, I’d probably go broke if I lived there.
Mmmm…so good! I cannot wait to hit up NY next week and check out all the sights and restaurants you’ve listed here on your blog recently… Le Pain Q–tien (hard spelling, lol!) looks sooo yum! Your oats with strawberries look really delicious, and I am so tempted to hit up that place for breakfast one day, now. Sometimes simple food really hits the spot – even in restaurants. No need to go fancy when all you want is wholesome! 🙂
So sorry about your pulled muscle – how frustrating for you! But Central Park must be incredibly beautiful to run around 🙂
I haven’t really got a foodie capital…hoping that NY lives up to my food-loving vegan expectations! 😉 New Zealand is amazing for freshly caught fish…that tops the list of most eats for me! <3 xyx
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