Creamer drama & salad love

Well it appears there is a Silk soy creamer shortage in the world because I cannot find it ANYWHERE in Davis. This wouldn’t be as annoying if I could easily go to stores to search, but we are a hop skip and a jump from a full court press lockdown so I can’t just pop into every grocery store as a I please trying to track it down.

Alas, I have settled for now on this…

Why are soy creamers so hard to find now. Everything is coconut milk this and oat milk that. Keto blah blah blah. Where’s the OG soy milk!?!

Ok, I will end my rant and move on. I made a bunch of waffles over the weekend to freeze for myself. Can you believe I did such a nice thing for MYSELF?! I can hardly believe it either! Usually my bulk cooking is for the kids’ breakfasts because those need to be ready asap to make mornings go smoothly. But I decided to make waffles for myself too and it was such a delight when my hunger struck to have it waiting.

I am such a big fan of Miyoko’s butter, it would make anything taste good. Not that waffles need much…but this combo is a definite winner.

8:30-9 am is my most hands off time slot with the kids because they are both occupied that entire time live with their full class so that’s when I typically eat breakfast.

After that, it’s back to the rat race of helping each kid on and off with asynchronous work, computer support, snack breaks, etc. None of which overlap, naturally.

By noon, they are both off for lunch so at least they get to eat together. I wait to eat once they are done because it’s more enjoyable for me if they’re off doing quiet time (although on Mondays she has to go back on for a live session at 1230 and then on Tuesdays and Wednesdays he has to be back at 1230 so sometimes it’s not exactly quiet time and I end up having my lunch interrupted to go help for some reason or another). I digress…

This salad had kale and cabbage massaged in ranch dressing, topped in cilantro, avo, and leftover ground beef.

I also had carrots and Beanitos chips on the side.

For dinner I made a Niçoise salad that I served family style.

I wasn’t too sure how the kids would receive it because they haven’t traditionally loved tuna. Also, V randomly dislikes hard boiled eggs 50% of the time (mainly due to the yolks).

To be honest, it was only loosely a Niçoise because I didn’t use Niçoise olives and made a bunch of other tweaks out of convenience.

My amazon Whole Foods delivery didn’t have butter lettuce so I used the rest of a spring mix I already had on hand.

And since I don’t really know what dressing is traditionally used, I just made what sounded good to me, which was a lemon garlic vinaigrette.

It had olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, minced garlic, salt and pepper.

I also had a tiny bit of green goddess dressing leftover that I finished off.

I love a creamy herb-filled dressing, but I didn’t know if the kids would so it was good that I only had a bit left and then mostly used lemon garlic one.

Other salad ingreds included fingerling potatoes (I baked them earlier that day), green beans (I steamed them in the instant pot right after I did the eggs), black olives (V’s fave), and canned tuna.

And the biggest shocker of all was…the kids LOVED it and wanted seconds and thirds of every component. We talked all about Nice (and France in general) and the origins of the Salade niçoise and they asked to have it again! I’m sure they liked it, but I think family style meals make everything extra special. Plus, who doesn’t want to feel like a sophisticated world traveler who eats food from all different cultures?!

Two part dessert for me!

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Comments (4)

  1. Devon

    I think it’s a shortage because I couldn’t find it at my local store in PA either!! While I do love oat milk creamers, silk’s creamer is my go-to!

  2. Elise (Post author)

    i called them and theres a shortage!! there arent any in all of davis and they dont know when they will get them again 🙁

  3. Kim

    I checked 2 stores in Orange county and no creamer, but 1 store did have their new ” heavy cream product”that I think van be whipped like regular cream. Good luck on your search. Kim

  4. Elise (Post author)


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