My second night shift came and went without incident. It was pretty much a dream 12 hours. I staggered my way to the parking garage and arrived home just before 8 am to pass the car off to my better half (as in, the half that doesn’t crash the car). Oh, did I not mention my little accident? Twitter followers may have read the news, but for those who aren’t in the loop, I suck at driving.
Don’t worry, I’m being slightly dramatic (I’m fine). The passenger side door, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. I got into an accident with a wall. Big picture – it’s not that big of a deal. But I’m still annoyed with myself. For being such an aggressive driver, it’s actually kinda a miracle I’ve never been pulled over, gotten a speeding ticket, or had any accidents before…so to taint my pristine record with such a ridiculous thing is frustrating to say the least. I’m not saying I’d rather have been in an accident with another vehicle. When it comes to auto accidents, the phrase “go big or go home” definitely doesn’t apply. It’s just so stupid to hit a stationary object!
Have you ever been in a car accident? Have you ever hit a wall/pole/non-moving object?
So back to yesterday’s night shift.
Before leaving for work, I enjoyed a slice of vegan coconut “cheesecake”.
This is pear and coconut perfection. And it just keeps getting better and better. Who says you can’t have dessert for dinner?
There was fruit too.
I’m out of spinach so the non-green appearance was a change up. I doubled up the frozen strawberries which required extra almond milk (so that it would blend), and in the end, it tasted like a strawberry milk shake. No complaints on my end.
For work I packed the following eats:
Two apples and a couple of slices of Alvarado Street sprouted bread to soak up my black eyed pea masala leftovers.
I steamed kale to bulk it up in the greens department, which was totally yummy with the masala flavors.
If you want to know the truth, yes, bringing leftover Indian food to work was a daring move. I’ll admit, I was nervous about how my body would deal, but I’m happy to report everything was A-ok. And combined with the hearty bread, this meal kept my hunger at bay for the entire night.
As per usual, I was peeing every 30 minutes on account of all the tea I was consuming. And I’m proud to say, I had NO coffee last night and all but 2 mugs of tea were caffeine free. Progress people.
Consequently, my body was ready to crash when I got home. So after I passed the car off to Kyle, I showered, PJed, put on my night vision goggles blackout mask and went to zzzzz.
I woke back up around 11, but still wasn’t ready to start the day. With my fabulous sweatpants and sweatshirt, I looked like a home-less gray monster. Isn’t it great that I could capture the essence of my morning in one photo? Sweats. Coffee. Remote. Are you there, Bravo? It’s me, lazy.
Almost four seconds after the coffee was gone, I made some breakfast.
Cooked (and then chilled) oats, apple cinnamon granola, blueberries, and almond milk. I need to start remembering to prep overnight oats because waiting for them to cook and then chill is torture. I’m not nearly patient enough. Obviously I enjoy warm oats, but lately I’ve been craving my grains cold.
I’m now gearing up for my first ever yoga class, for which I’m a big ball of nervousanxiousexcited. Can you believe I’ve still not used my YogaWorks gift certificate from my birthday?! Such a pansy. I just wish I hadn’t done 50 minutes of Jillian’s Banish Fat Boost Metabolism yesterday because my muscles are already burnin’. Maybe yoga is the perfect remedy, though.

I have had a little accident with a non-moving object, specifically the upside down U shaped pole near gas stations. It was in Los Angeles too! On Robertson. I was leaving the pump and tried to make my way out of the gas station but turning came too close to the U pole and I side swiped the door. It was ugly. It wasn’t my car. It was embarrassing!
Oh no–I am so sorry to hear about your car accident! I am glad you are okay. But car accidents are scary and I know how shaken you feel…I hope you are doing okay!
What did you think of Banish Fat Boost Metabolism? I am in the market to buy some workout dvds, and don’t want to waste my money. Is it a good workout??
I’m sore today that’s for sure, so I guess that means it’s a winner, right? It’s made up of 7 circuits. You can do them all or individually. I wish you could do different combos aside from all or one, but I do like it. I like all Jillian’s workouts!!
Mmm oatmeal. I’m sorry for your car being ruined. At least you are ok! I have ran into at least three non moving objects. A pole, a wall and another wall. And no I wasn’t drunk. Just a bad driver I guess.
yoga IS the perfect remedy and if that doesn’t work well then you always have coconut cake to fall back on or fall into.
ugh car accidents. they suck. i’m sorry girl 🙁
haha… I love that sweats… remote & tea photo 🙂 That is pretty much the norm for me!
whoa – first ever yoga class?! i don’t know why that’s so surprising to me, maybe because i associate hippie with yoga, haha. i think it will help your sore muscles. whenever my body is sore or just a little off i do yoga. it can also make you sore, but in a good way. ah i love yoga, report back how it goes!
and i ran over a chair in my car. not even a lawn chair, a wooden chair that my mom was refurnishing on the lawn. while backing out of the driveway i accidentally went in the yard and ran it over. she was not pleased. i can drive ok forwards, but backwards is not my thing.
So hilarious: “Are you there, Bravo? It’s me, lazy.”
Hey Elise! I just discovered your blog. All of your food looks delish! Especially that kills me just to see the photo. I want it! 😀 I look forward to reading more of your blog! Have a great night girl. 🙂
I backed into my own house once. With my moms car. Suuuper embarrassing!!
Btw I love that Wonder Bread container!
isn’t it cute? my mom gave it to me a while ago. so perfect!
When I was nineteen I crashed my car into the back of another one while it was raining and I was changing the radio station… No human was harmed, but I’m sad to say that for my car (my Saab 9000) that was the beginning of the end.
That masala lunchbox looks yummy!
Sorry about the crash, but glad you weren’t injured!
Sorry about the crash, yes I have been in a few accidents. One time a lady ran a red light and hit me. The second time it was pouring rain and lost control of car, although did not hit any one. Accidents are so scary no matter how bad or big it was, so glad you are okay!!
Hope you enjoyed yoga!
I’m a really aggressive driver too, but haven’t been in any accidents…yet. Hopefully it stays that way for awhile.
“Are you there, Bravo? It’s me, lazy.” – Best line ever.
I can’t believe you’ve never done a yoga class!!! That is INSANE! I love yoga like crazy; and I bet you’ll love it too:) Mmmm, Love that smoothie, it looks so sweet!
I once backed my car into a light pole a few months after I bought it. The pole was at the end of our driveway, and I did know it was there. In my defense, I had only been living there for a few months. The damage to my car was very minor, the damage to my ego, however, was not. I was super pissed at myself, but I got over it. These things do happen 🙂
That’s pretty much my situation. Ugh.
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oh man! Sorry to hear about the accident! Right after I got my license (at 16), I rear ended one of my friends…Later that year, I backed into a wall in a parking garage. So…I feel for you! So many delicious eats. I want that cheese cake and your bowl of oats. Oats+granola= awesome. Hope yoga went well and enjoy the weekend
Gosh, I fell like it makes me sound like a really bad driver, but since I got my driver’s license 10 years ago, I have had two accidents with other cars resulting in totaling of my car (very cheap/old car=easy to total) and one accident with a telephone pole (in my defense, he came out of nowhere!). I have the same feelings as you…not that I’d RATHER involve another person in my accident, but it does make me feel kinda dumb to hit a stationary object!
I have really been craving strawberries lately…your milkshake/smoothie only intensifies said cravings!
Yoga for the first time…how exciting! I just went to my first class over the summer and really enjoyed it! I really want to try hot yoga now! Hope you have fun!
hahaha. i am SO glad you shared though. makes me feel better 😉
Thanks so much, Elise! I hate to spend the money on a bad workout dvd, so I really appreciate the review 🙂
Aww, I’m sorry to hear about your first car accident!! Even though it’s small-ish I know how nervewracking it can be. Last year I smashed into a really nice mazda parked at the end of my driveway. I instantly cried, even though it was the jerk’s fault for being there.
Your first yoga class!? Hope it was fun!
Sorry about your accident!