Cookbook recs

Waffle week went great! As if you had any doubts. 😉

If you are looking for a great cookbook to gift someone (or yourself) this holiday season, let me recommend this one.

I’ve had it for over a year and I continue to look to it for inspiration whenever I need something new that is still classic, balanced, and won’t take forever to get on the table.

I made this Thai dish from it last week but doubled it so we had it again this week.

The kids loved it and were SO thrilled when it made another appearance so quickly after the first time. Sometimes they ask me to make things again but then it takes a while for me to actually remake it. This time they barely had to wait a week!

Since I doubled it, but only had enough chicken for the original recipe, I simply replaced the extra portion of chicken with shrimp.

I forgot to add cilantro the second time, but otherwise it was the same.

What’s your favorite cookbook that has stood the test of time?

I feel like everything Cook’s Illustrated puts out is gold.

I’m also obsessed with Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow (and the first although I’m partial to the sequel).

And Gena’s Power Plates is another staple in our house.

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Comments (2)

  1. Cathy

    I love Skinnytaste (a few different ones out there-anything by Gina Holmolka) and Love Real food by Kathryn Taylor. Those two I seem to always go back to find ideas

  2. Elise (Post author)

    good ones! ive rented kathyrn’s book from the library and liked it a lot. i also own the one and done skinnytaste book and agree, its a good one! i should look into gina’s others.

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