I really don’t like this new UC logo. I’m saving the Daily Bruin crossword for Friday because our baby dresser/changing table is going to be delivered sometime between 12 and 4 pm. That’s a lot of waiting around time that I need to fill. But I am SO excited about this dresser (nursery photos to come).
Oh, and in case you couldn’t guess, that breakfast was GF toast with Earth Balance and two perfectly fried eggs.
There’s nothing (ok, very little) that makes me happier than a fully stocked fruit situation. I’m on a citrus bender. Cuties save the world.
Sandwich with Field Roast mushroom loaf, daiya mozzarella, avocado, and honey mustard on GF bread.
This was eaten in under 5 minutes because I was starrrrrving. Should’ve enjoyed it more. Our baby doctor appointment went long because they wanted to do some extra ultrasounding (it’s now a verb I guess) so I didn’t get home until way late. Turns out, a couple of cuties don’t cut it when you’re growing another human. So I take it back, sandwiches save the world!
Almost as good as Justin’s PB cups. Almost.
Trying not to ruin my appetite for dinner. Why is that a phrase? How many times did your parents say that to you growing up? And did it ever happen? Hmmm…
Lasagna. You know the recipe by now right?
I made this tofu ricotta with Sabra’s roasted red pepper hummus. The step by step is in this post.
Instead of spinach I used collard greens. Just trying to keep everyone on their toes.
Layered. The 365 no bake lasagna noodles are really awesome. I can’t decide if I like them better than the rice paper sheets I use. Close call. Kyle doesn’t seem to have a preference. He’s just happy whenever I make lasagna. It’s his fave.
Baked for 35 minutes.
It grew!
This is the first thing I’ve cooked in a while. In my defense, we’ve got a LOT of leftovers that I’ve been working through. No waste. No way, no how.
This may appear to be peanut butter, but it’s not. It’s my new favorite combo of peanut butter, coconut butter, almond milk, and maple syrup. Warmed in the microwave for 10 seconds. And then smothered on anything and everything. Dates, for example. I had 723 more than I should have, but I’m not too concerned. I really should only buy 5 dates at once. I have no self control.

I had never tried fresh dates until this year and I am absolutely in love. It’s like eating chewy, caramel candy!
Where’d you get that fruit stand?! I need!!
What us coconut butter. I have become coconut obsessed
I always love your meals. I’ve been on an orange kick too! I never eat them except in December!
We have the same fruit basket. One of the best wedding gifts we received 🙂
I’ve had the WORST luck w/Justin’s PB Cups lately. No matter which store I buy them from, they’re stale & hard & yucky. So I ordered some from LuckyVitamin.com (literally ordered 18…) and every last one of them was stale! I complained & they replaced the entire order for free. This time, luckily, they were all just fine. But…? What gives? Why did I just buy 4 at the grocery & they were ALL messed up? That’s a big waste of money – and excitement! – so I may grab Sun Cups the next time I’m at Whole Foods & see if they’re any better. Other than that, I’m all about the honeycomb dark chocolate in the deli!!
Hi. My name is Lisa & I’m a chocoholic.
that SUCKS! i had justin PB cups a few days ago and they were perfectly fine…the sun cups on the other hand were stale and hard (almost chalky like). they still tasted good, but definitely seemed to be old. much like the justin’s peanut butter cups youre describing. boo!
crate and barrel – http://www.crateandbarrel.com/two-tier-fruit-basket/s380725
i know, its awesome right?
mine is by artisana. check out their website for more info.
Have you tried the spinach, kale, chard blend at TJ’s? It’s crack and would probably be rad in your lasagna.
That field roast/daiya/avo sandwich looks amazing
Argh – I hated the UC logo the moment I saw it. Terrible!
no, but now im definitely on it. thanks!
As I read this, I am sitting here with a belly FULL of dates and peanut butter. YUM. My excuse is that I just moved back to SoCal and it’s novelty. Hello??! They GROW here! I think we’re pretty much *required* to eat them. 😉
well OBBBBviously 🙂
not that you need an “excuse”. how are you liking SB?
I had one of those famous “date shakes” near palm springs as a kid and i’ve been a huge date lover ever since! Hmm. Vegan date shake added to my todo list.
Lasgna is always a winner- and somehow i like it better cold the next day!
whoa whoa whoa…whats a date shake??? ok im googling this asap because it sounds like something i need in my mouth right now.
It’s beyond good to be back. I forgot how much this part of the world is just . . . paradise. It’s just paradise! It’s December and I got avocados and strawberries in my CSA. My kid’s preschool is entirely outdoors. I walk everywhere. I live 10 blocks from the beach. Man, it’s good to be back. =)
BUT, there is like, NO vegan community here. Which is a major bummer. I’ll be planning some trips to LA soon – would love to do a meetup!
Also, I just wanted to tell you, I spent the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy on bed rest (YES 10 WEEKS ON BED REST) and as a fellow type A, I really understand what you wrote about yesterday. Especially that inner conflict that makes you ask “Am I being a bad mother if -”
I once had a therapist tell me that looking around a room of high-powered, Type A, “gifted” new mothers, you’d see more distress and depression than anywhere else in the world. It can be really, really difficult for that type of woman to make this transition, because it’s all about slowing down and letting go in a way that’s just so, so hard for us. So I totally get it, and you’re totally normal for feeling that way. And, it’s just gonna get worse. HA!
But really, it’s the best thing ever to happen to you. Nothing else will make you grow in just the ways you need to grow.
Anyway, you’re awesome. You know that. =)
Sooo i kinda couldnt deal until i made myself a date shake- holy crapola!! I just took 4 big dates, soaked in almond milk, and then blended with vanilla soy ice cream from tj’s. then i drizzeled almond butter on the very top and referred to it as dinner.
youre kiling me!!!! im trying to use up everything (and not buy more groceries) before we leave on wed. gah. that sounds SO FREAKIN good!! ok, its decided, im making a date shake as soon as i get back here after the holidays.
“it’s the best thing ever to happen to you. Nothing else will make you grow in just the ways you need to grow.” – ummm, that’s probably the wisest thing ive heard about pregnancy yet. its already true and i havent even had my kid yet [which is crazy because how can one person be so different from who they were a mere 8 months ago?]! anyway, i guess its natural for priorities to shift since this is such a monumental change, but still.
youre the best sayward.
thanks so much for your kind comment and support. honestly, i wish you knew just how instrumental your book has been for me. beyond the info about veganism, its been a constant strength in keeping me positive. it makes me feel like a bad ass preggo woman, actually. i can completely see how people with type a personalities would be more stressed and depressed. fortunately ive become unrecognizably mellow about so many things that i used to micromanage. like i said, i hardly even recognize this new me. so go with the flow! ha.
by the way, i never knew (and therefore never appreciated) that indoor schools and out of season produce existed (until i moved to nyc). i guess thats one of the side effects of growing up in ca – i was spoiled but didnt know it and took it for granted. now that we are back in ca its definitely something im aware of and thanking my lucky stars for! im completely ok with 60 degree weather in winter thankyouverymuch.
yucky logo. i am not okay with it either.