I decided to add a little something sweet to our morning oats, just for kicks. I got coconut sugar from the bulk bins recently and it’s been a nice addition to my coffee. There’s a caramel like flavor that is so uniquely delicious. Anyway, it was great in the oats too. I made them with coconut milk, mashed banana and currants too.

Ever since my kimchi and avo burger at Cornerstone I’ve been craving kimchi big time. So for lunch I made a kimchi aioli by mixing kimchi in the blender and then adding some mayo to it.

Then I poured it over a pile of roasted Brussels sprouts because that seemed like a winning combo.

It was SO good.

I also had some bacon wrapped dates on the side. I ended up going back for more Brussels and next thing I know I finished off the entire batch of kimchi aioli that I’d planned on using for multiple days. Yep, it was that good.

We went to pick up our CSA share on campus that afternoon. Our usual day is Monday, but due to the holiday it wasn’t ready until Tuesday, which was fine. We just barely squeezed it in between our trip to the library and kiddo cooking class.
Just like the classes they took over the Summer, this had a theme and they prepared a whole feast for themselves. Since the class revolved around citrus, they got to try 10 different kinds of fruit – including a few different kids of lemon, oranges, and grapefruit – while cooking with the. V actually liked all of them and even ate the lime wedges plain! Weirdo. 😛

Per usual, they were the last ones there, finishing off every. single. last. bite. They started with their kale salads, which they massaged themselves with fresh squeezed lemon juice, olive oil and salt, before adding avo, grapefruit, blood orange, parmesan, and poppyseeds.
Next were the kumquat shortbread cookies.
And then finally, an orange pudding made with Cara Caras.
After all that I thought there was no way they’d want dinner…but of course I was wrong.

They fully expected dinner on top of that and let me know so before we had even gotten to the car to drive home. I had a light dinner planned anyway, so it was all good.
I used up a last few things from the previous week’s CSA in the salad, including red leaf lettuce and butternut squash. The rest of the salad had (leftover) chicken, feta, and roasted pumpkin seeds, all tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette.

Y U M.

After dinner I got to work on what has become my weekly ritual of washing down and prepping my new produce haul.

This week wasn’t quite as muddy since it hadn’t rained in a few days, but there was still plenty of dirt to get off.

These carrots taste unlike any other carrot. They are insanely crispy and the flavor is just so real and bright. As a carrot-a-holic this is a big deal to me. I keep freaking out over them and Kyle thinks I’m such a weirdo. Probably like you guys do right now.

I juiced all the greens from the root veggies along with some beets, so now I have juice for the week.

Once again I broke my juicer three times during the process. I guess that’s what happens when your juicer is from the 90s…

PHEW. It took far longer than I expected it to, but luckily Kyle was home to bathe the kids while I was busting through it all…and then we got our hot tub time in while the pajama bunch played together.

After they were in bed we got the dessert out.
I actually opened this Lucy Meifield bar the previous day, but never told you guys about it. It says milk chocolate but it’s not super sweet like most milk chocolate bars. You can refer back to this post to see more photos of it, but if I had tried it without knowing what kind of bar it was I’d think it was dark chocolate for sure. I liked it, but not as much as the Guatemala bar.

I had more pieces of various other parts of my insane pantry stash of chocolate.

That cooking class sounds like so much fun! And a great way to introduce kids to new foods and dishes- especially since most kids are enthusiastic about eating what they make.
Now they can help out massaging kale!
That CSA haul is insane… you should totally ask if you can get more carrots in your share or buy some additional carryon the side- I totally understand how much better they are 😉
Kimchi aioli is brilliant! Be sure to use the liquid it comes in too, there’s a ton of flavor in there.
Looks like you got a huge daikon! You can make kimchi with it! Really simple ingredients, just scale to the size of your daikon and reduce the chili flakes to what’s workable for you
I think I could actually do this!