WF tofu

The Joys of Nursing

All I wanted to do on Monday was sleep in.  After my weekend of working (mixed with boozing at the office holiday party), I needed rest more than anything in the world (including hummus).  And yet, I still woke up at 8 am.  Oh well, I’ll take all I can get. I broke the fast with my latest obsession (cocoa coffee) and an apple and then got productive.  Laundry done before 10 is impressive for a day off…and that’s not all!  I did a few more Q&As, too. Why did you choose nursing?  How did… Read more >


Apple, Blog, Coffee that is.  As if my hospital-less days would start any other way… Hope you guys liked the froth tutorial.  This alphabetical brekkie got me through a tivo-ed Gossip Girl episode (followed by a dance party in my PJs to Lady GaGa) and many many blogs, but eventually I needed a course two. A [me] & goji bowl of deliciousness filled (my tummy’s) void.  Shortly after I digested, I threw on some clothes, got my hair did, beautified my face, and hit the road to get some errands done.  Runway ready?  FO SHO…. Read more >

D.C. (part 2)

Despite our late night out on the town, we still met at 7 am for breakfast on Saturday.  Craziness, right?  I don’t have any food pics from Saturday until dinner.  If you knew everything we did and saw, you’d understand why. Washington monument WWII memorial Reflecting pool Lincoln memorial Vietnam Veterans memorial Natural History museum American History museum Stars and Stripes Cafeteria lunch (veggie burger) National Air and Space museum White House Starbucks (yes, it gets it’s own bullet point) After what felt like miles and miles of walking, we finally made it back to… Read more >

It’s my birthday

I’m 27 today!!!  And I’m gonna partay chow chow like it’s my birthday! In lieu of a birthday post (which I will save for tomorrow) I am going to instead share yesterday’s eats, as well as my offish results from the San Francisco Nike Marathon…I actually have plans for today that don’t involve working or blogging 🙂 By now, you all know I love running.  I ALSO happen to love my readers (which is a simple and very understated way to put it, but for now it will have to do).  So, when a certain… Read more >


This morning there was not enough coffee in the world.  Sometimes late nights do that… Imagine this mug times 100.  Ok, 3. For breakfast, I practiced my vampire bite with various pieces of fruit.  Clearly I’m going through True Blood withdrawal… I also had some Smart Balance-i-fied toast.  Had to finish up the Alvarado Street loaf to make way for my new Nature’s Pride loaves. (Fangs marks not included) As usual, on my day off I worked on re-stocking the kitchen/fridge for my work days.  This included making: quinoa, chickpeas, black beans, steamed veggies in… Read more >