WF tofu

Moving day

This post is super old but I didn’t have internet for the looooongest time…let’s back track a few days: Kyle and I were up at 6 am to do some last minute prep work before the movers arrived.  Naturally a run to the ‘bucks was in order. Once 9 am rolled around, the movers arrived and we sat back and watched the magic happen (wow!!).  Talk about perfecting their craft (I’m taking the liberty of describing moving as an art form – if you’ve ever done a big one, you will agree with me on… Read more >

T minus twelve

What a day.  Full of a bizarre mix of emotions.  I’m not sure I can totally put it into words, so for now I’ll just stick to the photos. Well, what do we have here?  My last work lunch for a while included a big salad with a side of carrots and Livin’ Spoonful raw crackers, along with 2 apples, a vegan oatmeal raisin cookie from Candle, and a tupp ‘o zuppa.  This was the other half of Amy’s Southwestern Veg soup bulked up with extra frozen veggies (corn and broccoli).  As for the cookie, well,… Read more >

Wed(nesday) and Bed

For the freakin’ LIFE of me I couldn’t make it out of bed this morning. By 10 am I just resigned to a morning in bed (why fight it).  I made coffee and snuggled back in my covers with a crossword, mug of frothy joe, and some trashy tv.  How’s that for a perfect morning?  Hump day much. Around noon I dragged myself to the living room for some apples and computer time.  Since it was gorgeous outside and I wasn’t hungry for lunch I made my way outside, for a walk around the neighb. … Read more >

Like a carry-out

*Post’s title courtesy of my lover, JT (and due to the fact that I ate several meals out this weekend). Apparently I just can’t get my blogging self together on the weekends (or when the weather is nice).  Sooo, Happy (belated) Easter!  And now for a quickie recap of the last couple of days… Saturday The AM can be summarized pretty briefly:  Starbucks, shopping, more shopping, and (finally) lunch at home. So far all the Gardein products I have tried have been fresh (not frozen) ones, so making the meat-free buffalo wings was my first… Read more >

Pearly whites & snowy nights

After my sophisticated breakfast of an apple and frothy cup of coffee, I headed to the dentist’s office for a routine cleaning.  Since I was in midtown, I met up with Kyle after my appointment to show off my sparkling new pearly whites.  I owe my cavity free chompers to these babies.  Kyle and I went for a little stroll before he returned to work. Entering through Artisan’s Gate (Central Park South and 7th Ave)… A crossroads in The Park (if there’s ever a park to be capitalized and deemed “THE” park, it should be… Read more >