veggie burger

The massive recap that never ends

Seriously, I hope I’m not boring you all, but this trip home was so epic, that even the Cliff’s notes version is miles long… I guess I will continue from where I left off (Saturday PM). Since the Nike half marathon started at 7 am (and I had no desire to commute into the city before that ungodly hour) I stayed at my sister’s apartment the night before.  At least something positive came out of last month’s half marathon pre-race disaster (i.e. 4 am wake up calls are NOT conducive to a happy hippie).  Spooning… Read more >


Sunday morning started just like Saturday – I was off to work before the clock chimed 6.  My lunch was similar to Saturday’s too. Let’s see if you can identify the differences?  Kidding!  That’s way too much effort.  Instead, I’ll just tell you.  Same salad.  Different bars.  Today’s snacks included: Clif’s MoJo Dipped PB&J, Chocolate Coconut Chew Larabar, dried fruit (mango and pears), and fresh fruit (apple and pear). Sometimes I wake up with my stomach growling, but other days, I don’t actually get hungry for hours.  And weirder yet, sometimes I eat a meal… Read more >

Dessert trumped Quantum Leap

FridayAYayAY I’m gonna fly through the AM stuff because the PM is SOOOO much bettah! Attempt #1 at making my own pumpkin butter.  Good, but not great.  This contains (unmeasured amounts of) WF canned pumpkin, NuNatural’s vanilla extract, cinnamon, and NuNatural’s liquid sweetener.  It was weird at first, but like most other fetus obsessions, it grew into a full blown baby food crush in a matter of spoonfuls.  YUM!! I had it with apples and carrots (unpictured), while chatting via BBM with my lovah.  I decided to go to the gym before my sugar high… Read more >

Lovely sweet p

Happy middle-of-the-week day (I don’t really like to associate “hump” with such a negative time). You know the drill.  My pre-packed comida included: dried papaya chunks, oat bran pretzels & raisins, salad (with the works), apple pie Larabar, and peanut butter pretzel MoJo bar. Spinach, carrots, raw corn, black beans, and sweet potatoes.  Love me some sweet p’s.  They go with EVERYTHING…even things they shouldn’t go with, they do. I dare you to name something they don’t go with.  Just to be clear though, I’m not saying I’ll try it…  😉 This was a good… Read more >

Cut your losses

At some point I guess you just have to accept that you can’t catch up.  For me, that day is today.  Rather than go back to where I last left off (Friday’s eats), I am skipping ahead to the weekend’s eats.  Trust me, you aren’t missing anything too epic…hummus and fruit, no doubt. You know what a packed lunch means… Work weekend 🙁 The snack deets: green monster superfood odwalla bar, peanut toffee buzz clif bar (holy EFFING yum – is this a new flavor, or have i just found the light?), the last of… Read more >