veggie burger

The Natural Cafe

It’s a rough life – enjoying good food, good celebrating, good(ish) soccer and more in Santa Barbara, and the fun just keeps on coming… The day after my sis’ graduation we woke up bright and early to go on a hike.  Our friend took us on the Cold Springs Trail in Montecito.  The fact that we managed to escape without any poison ivy (I was a tank-top and shorts wearing daredevil idiot) was a semi-miracle.  It was a fun, leisurely 1 1/2 hour hike with great views.  Afterwards we lunched it up at The Natural… Read more >

Life in Lafayette

Now that I’m back in L’town (my affectionate name for the town I grew up in), it’s wedding task-a-mania up in hurrr. You’d think I’d be sleeping in (given my job-less state), but you’d be wrong.  My sinuses have been crazy pissed at me with all the location changes (NYC, LA, Mexico, Newport Beach, San Clemente, and now the Bay Area).  As a result I’ve been waking up with the sun thanks to an intense throbbing pressure in my head.  Lovely.  I’ve been buddy-buddy with Sudafed as of late. Anyways, since I’m not quite back… Read more >

The beginning of the end

Where did we last leave off?  Ah yes, strolling the High Line.  I had two raw blondie macaroons from O.L.D. while we wandered over the city, and then we decided the time had come to brave the masses.  Times Square or bust?  (Personally I’d rather bust, but that feels awful to say after the Saturday night incident). I really avoid midtown, especially on the weekends, but when friends are visiting from out of town, ya gotta embrace your inner tourist…and that includes the hideously crowded 42nd street area.  I swear, all the lights and crowds… Read more >

One step forward, 85 steps back

I promised a giveaway, but I just don’t have it in me tonight.  Blogger fail. I do have last night’s dinner, though. When I got home I was in such a wretched mood, I really wasn’t hungry.  Sometimes my appetite shuts down shop when I get so worked up…it’s like I am so emotionally drained I can’t even think about anything, food included.  I decided to shower, which really helped calm me down and by the time I was de-patient-ified, I was ready to make dinner.  What do you do when you are worked up? … Read more >

After work Alias

What’s up buttercup?  TGIF much?  I did OT yesterday because my boss is putting full court press on my a$$.  Working overtime can go one of two ways, and they happen to be polar opposites.  Fortunately, picking up this extra shift did not backfire in my face.  It’s amazing how much more enjoyable work is when the unit is adequately staffed and I can actually spend time with my patients without feeling like I’m hours behind in work (novel concept huh?).  My boss is not the best when it comes to the business-minded side of… Read more >