veggie burger

Land ho!

I set my alarm this morning for 7 am.  It’s been a while since I’ve set my alarm (I’m on summer vacation, yo!) but we had places to be! On the way to Port Townsend, we stopped at Deception Pass State Park.  First we pulled over to marvel at Pass Lake.  It was covered in a thick mist making it both gorgeous and eerie.  We were the only ones around and it felt so peaceful.  Nature is a wonder.  As if Pass Lake wasn’t therapeutic enough, we then came upon Deception Pass. The Deception Pass… Read more >

The brown version

Can you tell I’ve been behind on my reviews? Last time I enlisted the help from my fam in consuming Nature’s Pride Country White bun.  Now it’s time for the brown buns. The 100% Whole Wheat ones, that is! Like last time, I have Foodbuzz to thank for these goodies.  And also like last time, I have my fam-bam to thank for the help in reviewing. The table was set with all the necessary accessories (BBQ sauce, dijon mustard, ketchup, tomatoes, and of course avocado) There was some confusion at the store, and I couldn’t… Read more >

Buns of steel

Since I’m babysitting today, here’s a post with last week’s food that I have been meaning to get up for a while.  Enjoy! A while ago Foodbuzz hooked it up.  I received three kinds of Nature’s Pride buns to test out, and my family was on board to help. Fluffy carbs 🙂 Here’ are the stats: And here’s how they were consumed: Meal #1 Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger on Nature’s Pride Country White bun with avocado and tomato [half a baked potato with Soy-Sation cheese on top]. Meal #2 Repeat. Meal #3 (Dad’s) double down… Read more >

Where’s the muscle?

This post is a few days old, but I was already so behind before heading off to Vegas for my bachelorette party that I was able to pre-schedule this post.  I’ll be back from Sin City tomorrow.  But don’t expect any posts from this weekend because (as we all know) what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas [and most DEFINITELY doesn’t end up on a blog]… Today, I had a trial run with my wedding hairdo.  😀  I can’t put up pics in the off chance that Kyle reads this post, but trust me, it… Read more >

I’m on a boat

My parents are quite the couple aren’t they?  I was so glad that they came to New York with us. Before they left on Sunday we met up for brunch at Bobby Flay’s Bar Americain.  Unfortunately, the A.C. was out in the restaurant and sweating through a meal in the 90 degree heat is about as unappetizing as it gets.  Instead, we made our way around the corner to The Redeye Grill.  Not too shabby for a backup. I wasn’t extremely hungry, but after eating mostly bread the previous day, I knew I wanted something… Read more >