vegan cookies

V card

You may or may not remember this, but I have monthly dinner dates with my oldest girlfriends.  We all live in different areas in Manhattan, so in order to get to know each others’ hoods we alternate who chooses the place (forcing me to leave my comfort zone of UWS dining).  This month was MY pick, which was a relief since the past two dinners have taken me an embarrassing amount of time to find (the village is RIDIC confusing and I’m lucky if I end up retracing my steps only 3 times).  Usually I… Read more >

I’m back (and it’s cold)

After a fairly miserable red-eye flight, Kyle and I returned to our 10 degree apartment Monday morning.  🙁 With a list of errands longer than the Gettysburg address and a brain still on a mental vacay, it goes without saying…I felt a bit overwhelmed.  It didn’t help that I couldn’t stop shivering for the first 2 hours.  I finally had to take a shower to get my body temp back to a normal range.  After a piping hot cup of cocoa (the apartment is coffee-less!!) I unpacked, laundered, made a grocery list…and STILL felt like… Read more >

Ode to the in-laws

It’s no wonder people are scared of their significant other’s parents; with movies like Meet the Parents, in-laws get a pretty bad rap.  Fortunately for me, this stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth.  I just got back from a weekend+ getaway with Kyle’s family and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be joining his family than if they were the sole heirs to the Whole Foods chain.  Not only are they amazingly accepting of my vegan lifestyle, but they go above and beyond to accommodate it, to the point of straight up spoiling me!… Read more >

A sweet birthday (and a present for you, too)

Yes, there is a giveaway at the end of this post.  And yes, it’s sweet.  But before you get to that, you have to endure my birthday ramblings.  First of all, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who wished me a happy birthday the other day.  It was so amazing to be bombarded with your lovely comments – I definitely felt the blog love.  My coffee was feeling it too. I woke up with a huge grin on my face.  Hmmm…that’s odd, who in their right mind is thrilled to be older?  (whatever…I’ll go with… Read more >

It’s my birthday

I’m 27 today!!!  And I’m gonna partay chow chow like it’s my birthday! In lieu of a birthday post (which I will save for tomorrow) I am going to instead share yesterday’s eats, as well as my offish results from the San Francisco Nike Marathon…I actually have plans for today that don’t involve working or blogging 🙂 By now, you all know I love running.  I ALSO happen to love my readers (which is a simple and very understated way to put it, but for now it will have to do).  So, when a certain… Read more >