
Back and forth

Here are the two salads I’m alternating between lately. I’ve shown both before (plenty of times) but in case you were wondering what my lunches are looking like, I’m just over here buried beneath a pile of kale. My vegan winter salad is apparently a year round salad now, that is unaffected by seasons.  I tried it with a vinaigrette made with champagne vinegar instead of red wine or balsamic and it wasn’t as good, so stick to the original recipe I gave you way back when. curly kale massaged in home made vinaigrette candied… Read more >

Summer activities

Look at this lunch made by a 3 and 5 year old! It took them two days to polish the whole thing off, but they made it and ate it all to themselves for back to back lunches. I’ve been setting three goals for myself each week to do with the kids.  Nothing major – just activities, crafts, and whatnot – but I have found that having ideas at the ready makes me actually follow through and DO stuff that requires more effort rather than just take them to a park.  Not that there’s anything… Read more >

TJs cauliflower gnocchi

You guys, this cauli gnocchi is legit. I wasn’t sure what to expect because they are a frozen grain free pasta product.  There are like 4 things in that sentence that shouldn’t work together.  Also, TJ’s cauli pizza crusts were only meh.  And they have similar ingreds.  BUT!!  BUT BUT BUT. This is majorly better than the pizza crust and I went gaga over it. Per the instructions, I cooked it from frozen in a sauté pan.  It got a little gummy and stuck to the pan but in the end, the texture of the… Read more >

Weekend balancing

Saturday was my first day off stroller strides and I went for a bike ride instead.  It felt great to listen to a podcast and cover the city on pedal.  I think I did SS too many times last week because I was wiped out and excited to have a couple of days off.  Not that I NEED to go or anything, but I have a monthly unlimited membership and no plans in the morning so it feels like I may as well!  But four days last week has me feeling pooped. Anyway, the bike… Read more >

Salad and cheese news

We had such a full weekend in the best way!  It seemed like there was hardly a spare moment, but it was with really mellow stuff so it didn’t feel overwhelming or chaotic.  Of course I didn’t get to any housework, which is kinda hard for me, but for some reason I didn’t even stress about it.  I’ll tackle it eventually…summer has me laid back for some reason.  Maybe the absence of school (and thus set time schedule) has me feeling like there’s a lack of urgency in our schedule?  We still have activities with… Read more >