
Fireworks and tummy aches

RED WHITE AND BLUE!!!! The 4th of July is one of the best days to live in Davis.  This year, once again, did not disappoint. We rode our bikes downtown first thing in the morning, grabbed coffees at Starbucks and went to the see/walk in the parade. Family pic! After which, we headed to Cafe Bernardo for brunch. Usually we go to Crepeville, but the bike course didn’t go past it this year, so we decided to change it up so that we could watch the races.  But then everyone else had the same idea,… Read more >

My first Korean BBQ

This post has been a long time coming.  I think I mentioned it a while back, but I’ve been obsessed with Korean food for a while, but HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY BEEN to a Korean restaurant.  One of my best girlfriends is Korean, and we talk food alllll the time.  She knows I’m a foodie and I’ve been begging her to take me to a Korean restaurant (or just cook for me???) for way too long.  She finally caved. [Back story: the reason it took so long is because her standards are way way high.  She… Read more >

Reunion weekend

I grew up with this family as an extension of my own…our lives revolved around soccer and traveling for tournaments and because they had four girls and we had three, our families were basically inseparable. Unfortunately we all have way too much stuff going on in our lives and getting together is nearly impossible.  But we made it happen!  We got a majority of us all together!!  [Sorry Laura and Emily! You were missed] These two were born only a month apart and I look forward to the day when we send them off to… Read more >

A Friday dinner on the fly

Nothing to see here!  Just another Friday at cooking school…eating a spiralized veggie salad with parsley, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and feta. I had no dinner planned on Friday because part of me thought we may be going to my parents’ house for the night.  But we didn’t.  So I came up with this! The tahini dressing was the usual combo of tahini, water, maple syrup and salt. Half of which I tossed the mixed greens and arugula in. And half of which I added to the quinoa. Mixed it all together with roasted sweet… Read more >

My two kinds of people

JK!  Not my Tesla! My friend was sooo freaked out driving us to dinner in her car that she’d only had for a few hours but we made it there and back and the car is still in perfect condition.  Mission accomplished. Dinner numero dos for our foodie crew (we need a name for ourselves!?!) was at Echo & Rig, a newly opened space in the Downtown Commons area of Sac.  Their original is in Vegas and this one is attached to the Sawyer Hotel right next to the new Golden 1 arena.  The Sawyer… Read more >