
Sausalito Day Date

Guess who I spent ALL SATURDAY with?! This big boy and I started the day with a drive to the Bay Area Discovery Museum.  I got all his doses out of the way in the morning so we could play all day without worrying about “rest time”.  And play all day we did! He looks sad here but he was just listening super intently to the Clifford story. And then… He got to meet him! Anyway, we stayed there until 2 pm because I couldn’t pry him away.  I was hungry!  He would have stayed… Read more >

Cooking for three vs four

Which of these meals looks like one that was made with Kyle in town??  The sun dried tomato Caesar salad with leftover chicken nuggets???  Orrrrrr the steak skewers with fried shrimp chips and salad??? Yeah, obviously the steak. Because as delish as this dish was, it isn’t exactly glamorous. This guy, however, was REALLY good and certainly looked the part, too. I channeled my friend’s frying skills and didn’t burn the house down! It actually wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be at all!  Kyle captured a photo to send to Hong to show… Read more >

Instant Pot Marinara Sauce

This. Was. So. Easy. Without further ado…here is the instant pot website’s recipe, from which I adapted my own version (because tomatoes fresh from the garden are exponentially more divine than canned ones). Instant Pot Marinara Ingredients: 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp garlic infused olive oil (if not aviding fodmaps you can use fresh minced garlic) 1 shallot, diced 1/2 small yellow onion, diced 8 baby carrots, diced 4 oz mushrooms, diced 1 1/2 tsp dried basil 1 1/2 tsp dried oregano 2 tsp salt 14-15 large tomatoes, chopped 1/4 tsp black pepper 2… Read more >

Prepping blended green juice

I feel like I’m so far behind in posting because we have been going going going…that’s the way of this summer it seems.  Kyle was gone for a couple of days last week and it was a fairly empty week as far as the kids’ activities were concerned so I made an impulsive field trip to SF for the day. We went to the California Academy of Sciences.  And just for fun, check out the photo on the right from a trip we took previously almost exactly one year to the date! I packed us lunches…. Read more >

Leftover creativity

You guys KNOW I didn’t leave the East Bay without hitting up WF for my favorite salad right?? It’s packed with sooo many nuts and 9 different whole grains, and lentils and kale and feta, gah.  It’s heavenly. The ratio of everything is hard to nail down on my own.  I just love this version so so much.  Anyway, I bought enough for two lunches this week so of course it was gone by Tuesday. 😛 I still hadn’t made it grocery shopping for reals (I didn’t go til mid week which is so unlike… Read more >