
Instant Pot Jam

It’s that time of year! The instant pot made this year’s batch of jam incredibly easy!  And hands off!  I barely chopped the fruit and left all the skin on and went to the park while the pressure cooker did it’s thing in a mere 5 minutes.  Then it stayed on warm until I had time to deal with it (after dinner when they were taking baths)! All I did was a quick pulse with the immersion blender and then stir in chia seeds and poured into jars.  SO EASY.  No added sugar.  No heating… Read more >

The birthday bunch weekend

There were two candles on this cake – one for my dad and one for my “baby” sister.  Someone joined the 30 club!!!  As a birthday present, she got rear ended on the freeway on the way to my parents’ house.  Isn’t that nice!?  Sorry Bee 🙁 It was a super fun weekend for me though, packed with family time and good food. My mom made a gluten free, dairy free chocolate cake, but instead of making the coconut cream frosting we always use she bought the Simple Mills frosting.  She (and I) have noticed… Read more >

Pesto Salmon Gnocchi

Summer time and the living’s easy… I had an identity crisis on Wednesday when I was BY MYSELF for 2 hours in the middle of the day.  Kid free. Ok, I will back up. For the first time in all of my time momming, both kids are drop off eligible for camps that are at the same time!  His was from 9-2 and hers was from 1030-1230.  I wasn’t sure how they would do but it was easy peasy, no separation issues at all!  [FYI that’s still rare for us, even at places like church… Read more >

Bacon Wrapped Date Salad

No sweetener needed for these oats – just a super ripe banana and a huuuuuge amount of plum chia jam. Stone fruit season is when I start adding gobs of fruit puree to everything I can in place of sugar.  Pancake batter, oats, etc.  And yet I still haven’t worked up the nerve to try flavoring my kombucha with actual fruit. I feel like my ginger and lemon ones are so solid, why risk messing it up, but now that we have 100 nectarines that are ripening all at once, I’m thinking about it…  However… Read more >

Onigiri sushi rice

Cooking class captivation.  The Funny Little Woman was the story that went along with this week’s tasty tale lesson at the co-op kitchen. Then they made sweet and savory onigiri!  The savory ones were stuffed with two different vegetarian fillings – Japanese sweet potatoes with miso and mushrooms with tamari.  And the sweet ones were filled with mango. And then they rolled them in furikake and/or held them with seaweed wrappers to enjoy. Needless to say, there were no leftovers to take home for my kids.  😛 Here’s the recipe for sushi rice and instructions… Read more >