
Nectarine cobbler

You HAD to know this was coming, right? This was actually inspired by a pot of steel cut oats I made for the kids last week, which smelled JUST like pie and thanks to the vanilla, cinnamon and brown sugar (!!!) I added to it, it basically was! Can you believe how juicy these nectarines are? Should I stop asking you rhetorical questions?? Seriously, though, all I did was a rough chop of these (in the pyrex).  Some of them I just squeezed with my hands until the pit popped out.  So that’s just raw… Read more >

What I Ate x2

A smoothie so thick the spoon stands up straight in the middle of it.  THAT is a good smoothie. This had 1 frozen banana, 1 cup frozen blueberries/strawberries, 1/2 cup raw slivered almonds, 1/2 cup greens, and water.  That’s it. It took a few additions of water – drops at a time – to get it to blend while still keeping it thick but I did it.  I’m going with the “less is more” approach ever since my basic smoothies at my parents’ house were so good. Moving on to lunch. I used the rest… Read more >

To market to market

Which breakfast looks better?  The muffins?  Or the chia pudding with peanut butter?  It’s a tough call…the muffins are SO good it took every ounce of mama love to let the kids have them.  But I did.  And then I had the chia pudding which was equally delish so luckily I didn’t feel like I was missing out or anything. Verdict is in, the Beanfield’s nacho chips are better than the Siete ones.  Also they have way more protein and slightly fewer carbs (if you care about such things).  More importantly, though, is that the… Read more >

3 nectarines down, 50 to go

Brace your self people, because the next few weeks I’m going to be making a ton of nectarine recipes. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you how many we have.  And since I don’t want the kids to get sick of eating them plain, I’m trying to get a little more creative.  I already add them to oats, smoothies, and pancake batter…sooo…time to get savory! On the left, a block of frozen solid chicken breasts straight from the freezer.  And on the right, the magic of the instant pot, chicken that took 20 seconds to… Read more >

Sure enough

Sure enough, I polished off this green juice and made another right after!  So I am set for the next few days again. And sure enough, that WF grain and kale salad lasted me two lunches. So now let’s talk about dinners! As a challenge to myself, I held off on grocery shopping this week. I knew I had enough leftovers to get me through Monday and Tuesday so I wanted to see how far I could get.  I had pulled pork in the freezer and broccoli in the crisper drawer and the rest of Monday’s… Read more >