
I got the special plate

So far this week I’ve made two repeat dinners and continued the same lunch rotation that began last week(ish). Here’s my lil snacky kinda lunch. And then here I am right back to my kale salad lunch. I’ve been having blended juices and coconut clusters for breakfasts because I got another massive bag of them at Costco last time we were there and I will probably eat the entire bag myself just like I did last time.  It’s a one pound bag for the record.  It’s sweeter than I’d usually go for but sometimes I… Read more >

A new salad and some GI reflections

So I know I already blogged about our amazing dinner on Saturday night, but here’s the food from the rest of the weekend…starting back with Saturday am. This oatmeal had every kind of fruit in the house in it!  There hasn’t been a single breakfast item (pancakes, oats, smoothies, whatever) that doesn’t have nectarine in it this past month.  I made this batch of steel cut oats for the whole fam with water, chia seeds, and coconut oil and then used strawberries, blueberries, and bananas to sweeten it (slash use up the odds and ends… Read more >

Full Belly with kids

Remember last year when we went to Full Belly Farm in Guinda for a beautiful dinner? Well, we went again!  This time we brought the kids though. We realized last year that the mellow vibe of the dinner and the open setting would be totally kid friendly, so when we went to make reservations this year we decided to include our two littles.  Kids eat free, so that makes it economical too. We came with the same friends as last time plus another family.  The more the merrier right (and also, more kids to play… Read more >

Butter shrimp

I have added and removed this Indian Butter Shrimp recipe from our weekly meal plan so many times I lost count.  But I finally made it! I made a few tweaks to make it dairy free, including swapping in Earth Balance for the butter and using this plain forager cashewgurt instead of plain cow milk yogurt. I vividly remember being underwhelmed the first time I tried forager’s cashewgurt (OMG that was so long ago but feels like it was yesterday)…it’s super runny which is not how I like my yogurt.  That said, it was THE… Read more >

Social life revival

I can hardly believe it, but a group of NINE of us all managed to free our schedules and go out for dinner and drinks.  It’s hard enough to get three or four people together over the summer, so this was a pleasant surprise considering how last minute it was.  And by “last minute” I mean, planned two weeks in advance as opposed to two months in advance.  That’s about as last minute as it gets for me (and everyone else I know with summer travel and kids activities around the clock). Did I leave my… Read more >