
Honey Roasted

While both kids were in school I had some time to myself so I went grocery shopping and prepped a bunch of stuff for the week. Above are some peanut butter oat and coconut flour balls, which I froze before bagging them up to keep in the freezer for easy grabbing.  They turned out okay, but I think they needed more oats.  Next time!  For now they are good enough. Lunches come together quickly when everything is already chopped and ready to go. Same goes for mine too 🙂 I only added two chicken tenders… Read more >

Three meals and dessert

I’ve got a “what I ate” style post from last week to share.  I left out my coffees and kombuchas though. For breakfast I had a smoothie with frozen berries, frozen banana, coconut milk, and collagen. With a scoop of almond butter on top.  No matter how hard I try to stir the jars throughout the process of eating them, it always seems like the bottom is super dense and dry by the time I get down to it…almost like almond paste.  I don’t really mind, but ideally I’d like the in between smooth-but-not-excessively-drippy texture. … Read more >

In and out of the freezer

This grocery bag will permanently smell like basil and I am pretty happy about it. I spent an hour of the weekend making pesto to last us until next summer…two batches of almond basil and two batches of walnut pistachio basil. It was pretty therapeutic to listen to a podcast while washing and plucking the leaves off the stems.  Meanwhile I was taking big deep breaths inhaling the delicious aroma of freshly picked herbs.  Have you guys heard of the “Teacher’s Pet” podcast?  I’m very sucked in.  I’ll probably finish it before digging in to… Read more >

Family picnic and cast free for a year

In the ICONIC words of Britney… Oops, I did it again. This salad is perfection. This time I used dino kale, curly kale, AND red cabbage.  I gave it a prelim toss in Nugget’s Thai sesame dressing, and then added the rest after making the salad so that the chicken tenders and avo would get coated in dressing too. I bought two huge boxes of breaded chicken at the store – one box has dinosaur shaped nuggets and the other has tenders.  I figured the tenders were the more adult choice.  😉 I ate lots… Read more >

TJ’s has butternut noodles!

This is going to be a micro post because I just wanted to share that TJs is now selling fresh spiralized veggie noodles!  Above is the butternut squash!  Yay!!!  Now I have one fewer thing to whine about WF carrying and nobody else (so that’s good news for everyone). They also have sweet potato and zucchini, which I haven’t tried yet, but I’ll be curious to see how they differ from the frozen ones they already sell.  In any event.  Get your hands on them and try this yummy little dish I threw together. While… Read more >