
A high and low

This weekend had such a high and such a low.  I’ll get to it in a sec.  First look at this gorgeous new piece of art!!  We went to my friend’s show earlier this month and fell in love. And so now it lives in our house.  Yay! Lulaaaaaaa’s.  Noms. It was 80s day at stroller strides 🙂  V rocks any look she tries. Ok!  Let’s get to the good stuff. I went sailing for a girlfriend’s birthday and it was soooo fun! Do I look like I belong on the water?  I am Moanaaaaaa…. Read more >

Ottolenghi’s different cookbooks

Ever since I got Ottolenghi’s Jerusalem from the library I’ve been craving these flavors.  Ok, maybe the cravings preceded the book rental…I suppose I’ve been on the tahini train for a few months now. The kids demanded I buy this cauliflower when we ran into the store for one thing last week.  It was so beautiful I said yes right away and then thought up ways to use it. The color doesn’t even come through in the pictures as vividly as it did in person.  It was nature’s beauty ON DISPLAY. I decided to roast… Read more >

Chicken and waffles

This is 36. Since I didn’t have anyone to make me a chocolate pecan pie this year, P and I went out for coconut milk ice cream.  It was actually something I promised him a few weeks back but it coincided with the day after my birthday so we will just call it my cake this year since I didn’t have anything on my actual birthday.  P started Awana this year and it gets out really late which is already a special treat, but I’ve so enjoyed our solo drives to and from, I just wanted… Read more >

What I Ate

It’s been a minute since I did a “day of eats” style post, so here we go. This is from last weekend.  We had two birthday parties and church so I definitely wasn’t spending hours over the stove.  It’s good to have a game plan (or lots of back up options!) for these kinds of days.  I’m a meal planner extraordinaire but sometimes I leave weekend days open for finishing off leftovers, odds and ends, or mayyyyybe just maybe eating out (it’s rare but a girl can dream). First up, grain free banana bread with… Read more >

What to do about the wilt?

The one problem with buying bulk lettuce and storing it in my produce bag all week is that by Friday things are looking a littttttle droopy.  What to do abut the wilt? I’m looking into other ways to store the lettuce…maybe I need another vejibag?  I only have one, but it works like a dream with every piece of produce I’ve tried…maybe I just need a bunch in various sizes.  Shout out in the comments section if you have a good system. Anyway, I made gnocchi for dinner with TJs cauli gnocchi and walnut pistachio pesto… Read more >