
Off to San Diego

How thankful am I??  Too thankful for words. I got to spend Valley’s last day before break volunteering in her class.  They had a feast, which is her happy place. There is nothing more adorable in the world than a class of three year olds praying together in pilgrim hats. Then school got cancelled on account of the smoke and so we spent the rest of the week crafting before packing up and heading out. It’s so hard to tell from these photos but you could barely see out the windows on the drive to… Read more >

Smoke screen

Oh hi! Guess who is going stir crazy trapped inside!! Can you tell?? School got cancelled. Sooooo, we are ditching Davis. And I’ve been using up all the food in the fridge in the meantime. Which is why the kids have eaten beans and avo more than once this week. Here are the rest of the bits and pieces. Look look look guys!  It’s my beloved vegan Winter salad!  It made a comeback this week thanks to the 3 bunches of kale I bought at farmer’s market last week that I still needed to polish… Read more >

Fighting the sniffles

We have a mini vacation (long weekend getaway) planned and OF COURSE V is starting to sniffle and cough.  NOOOOOO. We have miraculously escaped catching any colds aside from the ones they both got the first week that school started.  I guess our time was up. That said, I’m fighting this one tooth and nail because I am determined to have a medicine free hotel stay.  We are all sharing a room and coughing all night is not the vacation I signed up for. If one person is up, everyone is up.  No bueno. First… Read more >

Mild v spicy arugula

I didn’t know what I was doing for dinner until later in the afternoon so I had to get creative in thawing this pesto.  Luckily I had just finished brewing a batch of kombucha so I submerged the jar in the big pot I had just made the tea in (after transferring it to the bottle with the scoby). Worked like a charm and I had pesto ready for dinner by the time I had cooked the shrimp. I added some to the shrimp and some to our bowls of arugula so that there would… Read more >

Progress without plastic

This is what dinner looks like when you are trying to clean out the freezer… I legitimately have no idea when I originally made this (lentil soup) but I had a big mason jar of it in freezer and decided it was time. I’ve been making an effort to clean out the excessive fridge/freezer stashes I have – odds and ends of jars of various sauces and stuff.  You haven’t seen much of it on the blog because I have been feeding it to the kids and packing it in Kyle’s lunches.  As much as… Read more >