
Kale taco salad

So now that I got the major drama out of the way, I’m going to share the recipe for that salad I made on the night of all nights.  I used two of the tangerines I had picked from the backyard earlier to make the dressing.  I wanted something light and citrusy that wouldn’t distract from the rest of the ingreds.  I was so excited to use the kale that had just arrived in my imperfect produce box.   I hadn’t been sure if it would arrive in time for dinner that night since the window for… Read more >

Ambulance ride of 2018

YOU GUYS. I’m so so far behind.  Life just really took it up a notch this past week.   Or am I two weeks behind now?  There’s no real way to catch up.  Personal responsibilities aside, we have had some extra craziness lately.  But we are all good now and life is cruising along with only a week left until Christmas! So how to recap a dozen-ish jam packed days?  No way man.  Here are some highlights.  LOOOOOVED my first imperfect produce box.  I will tell you more about it later.  It’s not sponsored or anything,… Read more >

We ran a race

My friend recommended this recipe for Thai coconut curry meatballs to me (I think she went to college with the blogger) and I added to the weekly menu asap.   They were SO good!  Everyone was a fan.  I made rice to go with them, but served them over leftover spaghetti squash for myself.  It felt weird to buy basil offseason, and I was half expecting to omit it thinking I wouldn’t be able to find it at the store, but I was wrong.  Plus, it was on sale!  I swapped in a shallot for the… Read more >

Cruciferous haul

Just an average cruciferous haul – not too much, not too little.  It will probably last a week (ish), which is perfect because I just signed up for imperfect produce!!  I’m so excited that this company is finally delivering to Davis!  Not only do they reduce food waste by giving a home to less attractive fruit and veggies, but they don’t do any other packaging, so it’s truly minimalist farm to doorstep.  I get to login to the website later to customize my order (add more of things I want and remove things I don’t).  Since… Read more >

Grandparents date night

What is going on here? I’m a little confused by the new wordpress update that’s happening right now…it’s making it hard to focus on what I’m actually typing.  Like when you can hear your own voice echoing in your phone and then suddenly you can’t talk because your delayed words are all you can focus on…sooo…this salad was a spin on my usual.  Only I did what I promised (#shelfcooking) and used the ginger miso dressing already in the fridge rather than buy the Nugget Thai one that I really wanted instead.  The miso one… Read more >