
Winter nuts

If I ever had to remove nuts from my diet I really don’t know if I could survive. I mean, I had to do it for a while back when P was allergic and I was nursing him so obviously I’m being a little dramatic here, but seriously, a year or so ago I tried to limit my nuts to one meal a day and even that was a struggle. So nowadays I just try not to eat the same nut more than once in a day. This is harder for me than it sounds,… Read more >

Beets for breakfast

I was nervous the ratio of veggies in this juice would be off since I haven’t experimented too much with juices, but it turned out FAB! It had four beets, 2 carrots, and the stems from 2 bunches of kale. The beet flavor was thus the most dominant, but I happen to like the flavor of beets (which I think puts me in the minority of the Earth’s population), soooo…shrugging emoji? Anyway, it was a much needed detox for my body after a rough couple of days. For some reason my GI system has been… Read more >

One family, two CSAs

I was in a bit of a funk this past weekend and the dreary weather didn’t do anything to help, but a brunch with some girlfriends definitely did. I’d never been to Black Bear Diner, but it’s a chain that compares to most diner style breakfast spots with an added layer of kitschiness. I got the California Benedict, which was fine, but as you’d expect the highlight was the conversation with my besties. Everyone was in need of the girl talk therapy sesh…and I’m pretty sure we could have stayed for hours. There’s no way… Read more >

My first shepherd’s pie

This is the first shepherd’s pie I’ve ever made or eaten and I didn’t follow a recipe so I’m not sure how it compares to the traditional version. That said, it was awesome and the whole family was raving about it, so authentic or not, it was a winner. I got the idea to make it when I was brainstorming what to do with the leftover mashed potatoes from Christmas. I was thinking of using them in a soup as a kind of thickener to make it hearty and creamy, but then I got the… Read more >

New Year eats

New year, new you! [JK] Same oats, same me. With nectarine chia jam on top. This was actually the last breakfast of 2018. We had no plans on the 31st, but then we wound up at a friends’ house for a “noon year party”, which I’d never heard of, but is apparently a thing. It was great! The kids ate chili and we came home after doing a fake countdown at noon. There were beads and blowers involved too, so you know it was a hit. I wanted to make a “fancy” dinner since we… Read more >