
Pink rice

I skipped grocery shopping the week that Kyle was gone because, let’s face it, the produce from our CSA is enough to carry us through the week when combined with our freezer and pantry staples. That said, I was suuuuper uninspired when it came time to make something at the end of the week. BUT. It was his first day back home so I knew he’d want something healthy and home-made. He always says he misses my cooking while he is traveling. I think he misses me too, but home made food is definitely a… Read more >

My box of See’s made it to Feb

Time slipped away there a bit…as it is wont to do…and now I’m back to being a week or more behind… Sigh. Prioritizing the blog is obvs not possible and most of the time I don’t even think about it when I’m busy doing everything else, but I miss it juuuuust enough to attempt to play catch up and pop in. It’s important to have some kind of outlet when the rest of your life is chaos. I had 2.5 hours without kids yesterday and I have never been so productive (which is saying a… Read more >

Momming my monkeys

We goin’ a little crazy over here! Can you tell Kyle’s been gone a bit longer than usual??? My wordpress account made me log back in because it had been so long and I have a camera roll full of kiddo selfies from the 5-7 pm hours. You do the math. Honestly though, when you are stuck inside and solo parenting, wellllllll….it can make a normally semi-sane person go a little bonkers!!! People ask me if it’s hard when he travels and of COURSE it is, but at the same time, I like being a… Read more >

Seitan in the instant pot

I’ve been working up the nerve to make this. Instant Seitan (aka vegan wheat meat) Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups vital wheat gluten 1/4 cup nutritional yeast 1/2 teaspoon of thyme 1/2 teaspoon oregano 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup vegetable broth (may need a bit more) 2 tbsp tamari 2 tsp liquid smoke 1 tsp toasted sesame oil 1 tsp Annie’s vegan Worcestershire sauce 1 cup broth (for bottom of instant pot) Directions: Combine liquids in a large bowl, then add the vital wheat gluten, nutritional yeast and dried herbs. Mix together (kneading) until dough ball… Read more >

All the football (is over)

Kyle was out of town, so we kept things low key for the Super Bowl. In anticipation of ALL THE CHIPS, I made us veggie packed lunches. The kids had roasted cauli and potatoes with chickpeas, all made from scratch that morning, and then I had leftover rice and lentil salad with kale massaged in a lemon vinaigrette. Because when you have friends with a lemon tree… You get gifted ALL THE LEMONS. What a snooze of a game huh?? They danced to the half time show, but I was very underwhelmed by it all…. Read more >