
Frisee all day

Our CSA was so massive, I couldn’t get it all in one photo! So I pulled up a chair for an overhead shot… Which barely shows things off any better. There were FIVE heads of leaf lettuce, a head of cabbage, two bunches of kale, a bunch of chard, green onions, rutabaga, carrots, fennel, beets with their greens, and honestly, maybe more than I am forgetting!?! As you can see, I’m still working my way through the weekly spaghetti squashes! There’s nothing I love more than an overflowing fruit bowl. Or, in our case, fruit… Read more >

Producing a meal

How perfect that I planned my imperfect produce delivery to arrive on the same day we drove back from LA. Yesssss. If you still haven’t tried imperfect produce, you should totally give it a shot! Here’s $10 off for your first box. I barely notice imperfections in the produce and it arrives looking perfectly fresh without any plastic or wrapping. I love it. I haven’t been using it quite as much with our weekly CSA from the student farm on campus, but there’s still a time and place (especially because you can pick and choose… Read more >

Mickey magic

The kids had no idea where we were going for Spring break, until the morning that we left…when I presented them with Mickey Mouse pancakes and asked them where they thought we were going!? They both guessed DISNEYLAND right away! I was so impressed. How do they even know about Disneyland???? I mean, yes, we have been once before (two years ago), so it’s not like they’ve never heard of it, but still…it’s hardly on their radar. We have never discussed it, and they don’t have friends who have gone recently, so it must just… Read more >

Spring salad with quinoa and strawberries

If it’s Spring where you are, then (a) lucky you and (b) I have something for you to make! I keep thinking we are finally finallllly out of Winter here, but we keep having these cold/rainy storms pass through. It’s a bummer, but I’m definitely living it up when the sun does come out long enough to allow for some outside time. It’s funny how 60 degrees at the end of Winter is so different than 60 degrees at the end of Fall. My perspective is so warped after sucking it up through bike rides… Read more >

How Not to Pie

Strawberries kinda took over the last post, so here are some of the other meals I (we) had last week. OK, OKAYYYY I will post more than vegan Winter salads šŸ˜› Legit had no plans for dinner and found everything I needed for this in the freezer or pantry. INCLUDING the avocado… Which I thawed and made into guacamole because the color was looking mighty suspect before I added in salsa. The kids would have given it major side eye. And for the record, I’m not sure I can fully endorse the use of frozen… Read more >