
Staycation weekend

It’s starting to feel like summahhhhhh! I don’t want to jinx it by writing it out, because we’ve had several rainy days recently, but we also finally broke into the triple digit temps, so I feel pretty pretty prettyyyyyy good that the weather is here to stay. Going to the splash park also makes it semi official, right? Even though both kids love school, we are all very seriously anticipating some unstructured time and all the playing and freedom that comes with it (myself included!). Remind me that I said this in a month. šŸ˜›… Read more >

Santa Barbara Memorial Day

After so much sickness and solo parenting, the four of us joined my parents and sister’s fam for a much needed vacation. We missed my youngest sissie mucho, but she is days/weeks away from having a baby so it was a little too risky for her to come. We hit a lot of traffic on the way down, which added an hour or two to our car time, but the kids didn’t care one bit because now that we have the DVD player we could drive to Maine and they’d be unaffected so long as… Read more >

Thai meatball salad

Thai meatballs! These have very few ingredients but heavenly flavors. You can serve them as a rice bowl w broccoli. Or on the side of a stir fry. Or like I did, on top of a salad. With so much lettuce from the CSA, I had tons of options for this salad. I decided to go with a mix of red and green leaf, plus mizuna and frisee. Use whatever is available to you though! For the meatballs, I used a combo of ground pork and ground beef, then I added fresh herbs, fresh ginger,… Read more >

Run Fast Cook Fast Heal Slow

You know how when you’re sick, you don’t want to think about food for a while – ESPECIALLY the food that you had before you were sick. Well, that’s been me for, uhhhh, let’s see, a month now?? Ok, not really that long, but it feels like it’s been that long. After I got the flu, I was forced to slow down for a bit, but then I was a really bad patient and after two days, figured I was well enough to get back into the swing of things. Spoiler alert: I wasn’t. So… Read more >

May showers, Spring flu-wers

We are in un-catch-up-able territory. Kyle was gone for a week. I threw my sister a baby shower. I got the flu (IN MAY). V got pneumonia. Ashes ashes, we all fall down. Considering I made most of the food served at the shower I was really worried, but I didn’t show any sign or symptoms of illness until the exact moment the last guests left. I never saw it coming!! Fortunately, it seems everyone from the shower made it out of the weekend with their health still in tact, so obviously my hand washing… Read more >