
Full Belly Farm Dinner and eggplant

How did I forget to blog about our dinner at Full Belly??? This was our third time going (the second time with the kids) and it was just as exquisite as every time before it. Such a gorgeous setting out in the Capay Valley. We have gotten to know the family a bit now that we have come a few times. They have kids the same age as ours and Kyle’s ag business stuff has overlapped a bit with their farming roles. So even though we don’t subscribe to their CSA, it’s nice to support… Read more >

Power Plates hemp chimichurri

Have you guys made Gena’s hemp chimichurri yet? I’m a big fan of this sauce, and have been finding ways to put it on everything since I made a double batch of it a few weeks ago. It stays good for a while, but you may find yourself making another batch sooner than you thought because you used it all up. Or maybe that’s just me. For these sweet potato bowls, I followed Gena’s recipe in her cookbook Power Plates. It’s a go to for me when I’ve hit a road block in my meal… Read more >

Kids in the kitchen

Back in Spring, when we were bored and looking forward to Summer, the kids and I wrote down a bucket list of things to make together. We have actually been really good about doing them! As you may have picked up from what little I mention here, Kyle travels quite a bit for work. One of the nice things about his job is that he returns with strawberries! Often it’s more than I can handle, so we give them away to anyone who is within a 60 mile radius of us. But now that the… Read more >

Mahalo for Maui

We went to Maui! And it was bliss. [As if there were any other option] Hawaii is 100% paradise. It’s where I am truly on vacation from the second we step off the plane…and as the kids get older, it’s just getting better and better! Case in point: the photo above with our luggage. Two small suitcases, two boosters. THAT’S ALL WE PACKED!!! No pack n play. No suitcase full of diapers. No portable toilet. None of that. Full disclosure: P only switched to a booster a month ago and V only got one for… Read more >

Mediterranean build-a-bowl

Another week of this fun… In addition to the normal haul (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini, corn, etc) we got some new things this week – including white peaches and long beans! And more of these beautiful shelling beans, which I think I forgot to show you last week… So pretty! Kyle said this was the best chili I ever made, which is hilarious to me because it was barely a chili. It had tomatoes, beans and ground beef, but beyond that it was such a hodgepodge of veggies…anything I could grab to use up… Read more >