
Lunches for week 2

Back at it! You guys really seem to want these posts so I will try to keep them up on hhh, but for more frequent bento ideas, I started a highlights tab in my IG (@elisehippie) so you can go there to see them as well. Prep for this week includes: roasting chickpeas, hard boiling eggs, chopping veg, and popping popcorn Feel free to use any leftovers (from dinner or weekend festivities) in place of the mains. Grocery list: dried pineapple raisins dried apples/pears popcorn kernels chickpeas pitas or bagels eggs sun butter or nut… Read more >

The first week of school lunches

Time to pack school lunches! Is this the worst task of parenthood ever?? I have a love/hate relationship with grocery shopping, but making and packing lunches is something I actually really really enjoy šŸ™‚ Perhaps that puts me in the minority, but it’s the truth. That being said, if you are in the opposite camp – and are burned out by the very idea of filling bento boxes before September has even hit – then mayyyybe I can help you out a little bit? A girl can dream right? I’m not expecting you to adore… Read more >

When you have a CSA in the summer

Every week I get more produce, so I have to use it up or I will fall behind. That said, it’s not too hard because I’m storing things up for all year long… I tried my hand at canning for the FIRST TIME EVER with tomatoes. I picked something easy peasy, but it still didn’t go perfect because look at what happened. They all floated to the top leaving all the tomato juice down below. Ah well. It is safe and all, but next time I know to pack em in tighter. These are also… Read more >

Cucumber Melon Summer Salad

I used to LOVE blogging, but these days I love everything else I’m doing in real life so much more, which is why I keep neglecting this space. Even though I kept our organized activities limited this summer (or so I thought), it has allowed us to say yes to so many last minute / spontaneous things…like gatherings with friends! I’ve brought this salad to a few different potlucks and it’s been well received by adults and kids. The key to it’s success, I think, has to do with the fact that it is simple… Read more >

Kale and wheat berry salad

It’s time for a summer version of the DIY grain bowl! I posted my spring adaptation here. That version had brown rice, which is a great GF option, but lately I’ve been in the mood for wheat berries instead. And as long as I have access to these freshly shucked grains, I am keeping this salad on repeat. My body doesn’t seem to have any issues with wheat berries and I absolutely LOVE the chewy plump texture of the grains. Which is why I am so happy that our student farm CSA has been giving… Read more >