
Muir woods tradition

I plugged my iPhone into my computer this weekend and was VERY alarmed by all the amazing photos I took over this past year that never saw the light of day. Well, certainly I enjoyed the moment as I lived it, but many of the pics I took with the intention of sharing and then life got busy and they got buried behind 400 other photos. Here’s a quick look at the Mother’s Day thing we got going on…six years in a row! Muir Woods gets more and more fun as the kids get older…. Read more >

Grandparents & a 49ers win

Wild Thursday night over here! V and I made dinner while the boys were at cub scouts building a race car for the pinewood derby next weekend. I roasted tempeh marinated in sesame oil, liquid smoke, tamari, and maple syrup to make “bacon” flavored croutons for a Caesar salad. There were a few pieces of kale in the mix too, which turned into kale chips. Yummo! The rest of the salad was romaine and kale tossed in Tessamaes creamy Caesar dressing. V used a real deal serrated knife to chop all the romaine! Then we… Read more >

Squash, glorious squaaaaash

One of the biggest (only?) positives of the winter months is that squash is in season. And I love love love it. Kabocha, delicata, butternut, spaghetti, you name it, I’m a fan. The most recent kiddo cooking class at the co-op was squash themed, which only heightened the obsession. Once THREE of us are into a food…watch out!! Spaghetti squash! If you are one of those people who doesn’t like spaghetti squash, I have two things to say. 1) Maybe you didn’t have a good one. Like most produce, some taste better than others. I… Read more >

Three meals a day

I froze the last two cinnamon rolls and am VERY glad I did that because it meant that on this RARE morning that I didn’t have meetings for this that or the other and was home alone by myself after the kids were all at school I was able to pull this out to savor slowly. It was a beautiful thing. And then I vacuumed the whole house and scrubbed the baños from top to bottom. Happy day! Still on that tempeh kick! This bowl had kale and tempeh sautéed in sesame oil and Bragg’s… Read more >

Easy veggie and quinoa egg bowl

In case you are searching for the simplest dinner idea ever, I’ve got you covered. EGGS! They are often forgotten in our house, but I was seriously scrounging when it came to me. I was so glad to have some veggies to roast because my next best option was making fried rice with frozen veggies. When you have nothing in the way of protein to add to a meal, eggs or frozen edamame are solid pinch hitters. To top it off I made a tahini sauce. The amounts are estimated below: 1/2 cup olive oil… Read more >