
Dream date

Kyle and I are big fans of kiddo solo dates. I’ve shared some of them here on the blog before…and I can’t say enough about how fantastic it is to get some special bonding time with one kid. P planned this one all by himself after I asked him what he wanted to do. 1. Go to Starbucks and build LEGOs. DONE. 2. Watch the World Cup soccer game (this was back in July) DONE. 3. Get ice cream DONE. 4. Play mini golf. DONE. 5. Get sushi. DONE. We went to Huku, our local… Read more >

CSA is for cabbage

Wow, guys. Is January officially the longest month of all time? I feel like we must be half way to 2021 by now! Are you ready for summer break, too? There were leftover Costco chocolate muffins from a church thing and I took two home. Best. Decision. Ever. It’s moments like this that make me miss our membership. But then I remember the jam packed plastic section of the recycle bin following each trip and re-commit to keeping my waste down. Even if it means I lose the convenience of individually packaged lunch options. I… Read more >

Nuts not beef

I loooooved this meal the first time I made it, so it was high time I made it again. We are big walnut fans in this house (it’s mine and Pattycake’s favorite nut), so why not make taco “meat” from it? Have you seen the graphic showing the carbon footprint from the production of various foods? You can see it and read the article here, but spoiler alert: beef tops the chart in greenhouse gas emissions. I didn’t actually see the article before making this meal, so it was a happy coincidence that I swapped… Read more >

Triple “B” smoothie

This is a quick one because it’s fast and easy, so why overcomplicate it? Triple “B” Smoothie 1/2 cup frozen berries (I use strawberries) 1 small frozen banana 1/4 cup beets (I cube, cook and freeze them for smoothies) 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk 2 tbsp vanilla protein powder (I like Vega) That’s it! Berries, banana, beets! Boom! Brekkie on the go.

Too sick to stop

I am very glad to have uploaded all those old photos from my phone earlier this month because it meant I was able to share some flashback posts…but if you were curious about what you’ve been missing food-wise while I’ve been posting old content, you may as well forget about it. Germs took our house by storm and we had one of those weeks. If you have kids, you know what I’m talking about. It was r o u g h. Naturally Kyle was out of town for the entire week (isn’t that always how… Read more >