
Veggie quiche with chard & chevre

We have now reached the point in which a regular pie pan doesn’t feed our whole family, so I am essentially making deep dish quiches. I wasn’t sure how this would turn out, but it was awesome, so I’ll share so that you can make it, too. Veggie Quiche with chard & chevre Ingredients: 1 bunch rainbow chard, finely chopped 16 oz butternut squash, cubed 1 cup plain almond milk 2 tbsp olive oil 12 eggs 1/2 tsp salt 4 oz flavored goat cheese (ie Cypress Grove Sgt Pepper) 1 pie crust Directions: Pre-heat oven… Read more >

My first Whole Foods delivery

Not to be overly dramatic, but last weekend my life changed. It changed in a way that hasn’t happened since early 2017… back when the Davis Whole Foods closed. Amazon to the rescue! Ever since they acquired WF I have been waiting for the day that they would deliver to our town. And now they do! And I can literally order a week’s worth of my groceries FROM MY FAVE STORE – IN THE COMFORT OF MY HOME – and they will be on my doorstep in whatever two hour time range I select. What… Read more >

A week of solo

It was just me and the kids this week, so meals weren’t quite as organized as usual…in that I didn’t have much of a meal plan aside from P’s birthday meal. Beyond that, it was a lot of leftovers. After the persimmon bread was gone, I had real phat foods bread for a few breakfasts. This bread is so good with butter on top. Usually I prefer Earth Balance, but I’m currently in a Miyoko’s creamery butter phase. The kids are also into parfaits right now. This is lovely development because it is a super… Read more >

Oh, to be a 7 year old!

What in the world is happening with time. It’s 2020 and I have a seven year old son. This is crazy talk. I woke up at 5:45 to register them both for spring swim lessons. I can’t tell you how annoying it is to have to set my alarm for such an insane hour to do these things for the kids, but apparently this is the culture we are forced to accept if we want to set our kids up for success. And in this case, I use success in a VERY loose way. As… Read more >

School holi-date

Both kids had Monday off and I am not gonna lie, I was pretty excited about it. I LOVE having extra week day time with them because then we get to adventure. The kids are getting to seriously awesome ages for field trips because they can walk on their own, they eat whatever, they can skip naps no problem, and they still think I’m cool and fun. We parked at farmer’s market and walked the few blocks onto campus to head to the games area in the Memorial Union. It was hilarious to see them… Read more >