
Jan goal reeval/ new Feb goals

In hindsight, I realize my January goals may have been a bit ambitious.  I really did try to do a lot of them, so let’s see where I ended up. 1. Take my first yoga class (well, I did buy a yoga for dummies pamphlet and tried a class on exercise on demand TV) 2. Go to spinning class (yup, I heart spinning, I should really go more often)  3. Make my own sushi (oops, maybe next month…) 4. Dinner at Candle 79 with Jess  (yup, although we went to Blossom instead) 5. Draw (yup)… Read more >

down for the count

Yup, my computer is pretty much done-zo…It’s been struggling for a while now, but when you add on the fact that my internet has been out for nearly a week – it’s pretty obvious why I’ve been on HHH hiatus.  Sadly, I learned a sad pathetic fact about myself during this time…while my computer failed, my healthy eating also went to the wayside.  I seriously ate EVERYthing in the entire apartment, AND managed to gain 25 pounds, too.  Okay, I exaggerated a touch there, but I’m pretty sure I did some may-jah damage.  The worst… Read more >

peace, love, and happiness

Are you a hippie, too?  Looks like green living is making a comeback! Side note:  Earlier today I was enjoying my AM dose of mindless television, when a news brief interrupted the program.  Now ordinarily I’d be delighted to hear Obama’s economic words of wisdom, but when they interrupt The View’s green tips…well it takes a bit of the edge off (sorry Mr. President).  Since youtube couldn’t fill in the gaps, I decided to post a few myself (these are kitchen specific).  As I’ve said before, do what you can, even a tiny change can… Read more >

January goals

So I decided to do a monthly to-do list…yes, I love my lists!!! It’ll be a continuous 2009 resolution. January 1. Take my first yoga class2. Go to spinning class (I love it, but for some reason haven’t been in forever)3. Make my own sushi4. Dinner at Candle 79 with Jess5. Draw6. Get a massage (tough one, but I’m not good at pampering myself)7. Visit friends in Philly8. Try a new vegan restaurant9. Volunteer10. Read