
Birthday Blog Takeover #10

There’s no introduction that could do my dad justice.  Both he and my mom have taught me so much that has undoubtedly shaped the person I am today.    [family dinner at Millennium 2010] Having parents raise you with an emphasis on health means that no matter how far you stray from what you were brought up on (I’m looking at you – college years) you always have a solid foundation to fall back on.  My mom made wholesome, well-rounded meals every night that we ate as a family.  Vegetables were always present and dessert… Read more >

Birthday Blog Takeover #9

Prepare to be insanely jealous because this next birthday post comes from my middle sister Laura.  You know, the one who has been traveling the world for nearly 8 months now. I got to spend time with her on the Euro leg of her fun (in Paris and parts of Spain), but since then she’s been to dozens of other countries spanning multiple continents.  Now you guys can live vicariously through her like I have been…cheers!   A guest blog for the birthday girl!  Happy Birthday Sister!!! Though I have always been open to all… Read more >

Drinking your calories

They seem to come up with new terms and definitions for anything and everything these days.  Case in point, drunkorexia. Drunkorexia: depriving oneself of food as a way of “saving calories” for booze.  I’m fairly certain this phenomenon is mostly seen in the college age bracket, but you never know.  I lived in a sorority house for two years and there was definitely a mix of healthy and unhealthy dietary habits – as well as drinking habits.  You don’t need to be a registered dietician to know that replacing vital nutrients with alcohol is a… Read more >

Time to Thrive (giveaway)

I’ve professed my love for Brendan Brazier in the past (many times in fact).  I have his other books, Thrive and Thrive Fitness, which taught me so much about nutrition as it relates to training.  During my summer of funemployment I became obsessed with all things thrive.    So imagine how excited I was when my father-in-law returned from Expo East with this!!!  [insert shrieks of joy here] I’m still reading it, but I already love it.  Like his other books, he shares his knowledge about how beneficial raw foods are in terms of maintaining… Read more >

Birthday Blog Takeover #7

I don’t think I could put into words how thankful I am to have veg-curious in-laws.  It’s one thing for your husband’s family to be accepting of your diet, but it’s a completely different thing to have them be interested enough to embrace it in their own lives.  I know they already wrote a joint post, but this one is just from Beverly.  It’s funny because I remember this story SO VIVIDLY (but somewhat differently).  Enjoy!   In & Outta Love On the HHH blog, many readers noted they wished their family embraced their veganism. … Read more >